Actor Mikhail Yefremov during a court session for the first time commented on the perfect accident. According to him, he believes what happened is monstrous.
in the dock in the hall of the Tagansky court of Moscow, Efremov said that agree to house arrest. Previously this measure was proposed investigation. “It’s certainly monstrous,” the singer confessed.
the Prosecutor during a meeting of the said Efremov can abscond or put pressure upon witnesses, if he has to choose a measure of restraint not involving deprivation of liberty. In addition, the representative of the Supervisory authority noted that the defendant may continue to engage in criminal activity. However, she agreed with the requirement to appoint Ephraim house arrest, reports TASS.
a Tragic accident at the fault of the artist, in which a man died, occurred late on the evening of 8 June. Efremov has left on an oncoming lane, crashing into another car. The accident injured driver suffered serious injuries and later died in hospital.