the Situation of coronavirus is difficult, its growth rate is accelerating, said Chinese President XI Jinping. The official urged the Central Committee of the Communist party of China to participate actively in the problem, reports “Interfax”. Si thanked the doctors for helping in the fight against the virus and expressed condolences to those who lost loved ones, RIA Novosti reported.
Coronavirus has struck already 1372 the Chinese. 41 people were killed.
Simultaneously, the U.S. administration is preparing a Charter flight to China to evacuate its citizens. It is planned to send the Boeing 767 with a capacity of 230 people with the medical staff on Board. In the media leaked information that the flight will be paid, the free space will take the citizens of other States. In the course of approving transactions of the Chinese foreign Ministry agreed that the responsibility for the spread of the virus, the White house assumes.
In Wuhan, is now 1 thousand US citizens.
the Outbreak of an unknown pneumonia was registered in December of 2019 in the city of Wuhan. December 31, Chinese authorities informed the world health organization on the spread of a new type of coronavirus. Outbreaks already recorded in other countries.