the Old world out of the epidemic of the coronavirus and gradually removes restrictions. Different countries — with different speed, but have thought about opening borders. True, Sweden could be in this long-awaited event. The country has chosen an alternative way of combating coronavirus. Restrictions imposed minimum, which should help to create herd immunity, and at the same time to support the economy. Your way turned out to record mortality from COVID-19 — 12% of all infected. This is almost three times more than in neighboring Denmark and Finland, 4 times higher than in Norway. So Swedish tourists no one was particularly waiting for.
At the same time, France is confident that the decision to hold a second round postponed in March municipal elections. The vote by decree of Prime Minister Edouard Philippe is scheduled for June 28. The observance of sanitary regulations is strictly necessary. For greater security, the possibility to vote from home.
the Theory is one thing practice is another. Italy was allowed to leave quarantine, but slowly, literally centimeters. In Tuscany, even a towel on the sand while it is impossible to leave – will be fined — but you can cook beaches. Tourists are not allowed, hope for domestic tourism. But here, for every region — has its own ruler. There, where the rate of infections is low, it is possible to paint, to build, to open the umbrellas.
doing The same restaurants — spread tables and study sanitary Protocol. It is not enough to keep his distance.
“If something goes flash, our government wants him to have control of the situation, to be able to find everyone who was sitting at the table that day,” — said the Manager of a restaurant.
In search of solitude, and unusual solutions for summer Italy back to basics. 100 years ago, so swimming, renting cabins on the beach, changing clothes, avoiding prying eyes.
Wooden houses during coronavirus — actiotiteln the perfect place for a beach holiday-2020. The mask is not needed. Distance does not matter. A place in the sun just yours. Even down to the sea — your own: the probability that swimming will meet someone equal to zero.
the Town of Santa Marinella near Rome indeed at the height of fashion.
“last year I was calling 10 people a day, and today – 30. And the season is not even started,” said one of the realtors.
And nobody knows whether to start the season. Coughing into the sleeve, the cries of “Shame, put on your mask!” the Prime Minister Conte begs the Italians nowhere to go and relax this summer in Italy, to hold hotels and restaurants. But in the same Lombardia, once loosened mode-new cases — twice.
on may 25, should open everything except shops, restaurants and hairdressers: swimming pools, gymnasiums, museums. While earned the largest. Again only for their own.
“a Very strange feeling. Over the past year we have been here many times, the Museum was always full of people. It’s so strange to walk here now: the square in front is empty, on the steps of no one. Very strange, even scary,” admitted the guide John Muccigrosso.
Almost back to normal Spain, although there is not went to zero. But if you don’t open beaches and will not be allowed tourists to the country to deal with unemployment.
France opened a school and teaches children the course: what is a meter, is best explained by putting the Hoop. Date announced the second round of municipal elections on 28 June. We need to elect 35 thousand mayors. Local elections are traditionally important for the country, they are not canceled even in times of war.
the First round was held on March 16 has taken all possible precautions, the second will be given a two-month experience in the fight against coronavirus — distance antiseptic. Voting at home.
“after Weighing all the “pros” and “cons”, we decided it was time to remember that hwe live in a democratic society. Therefore, we will present on may 27, the President of the French decree on conducting the second round of elections on 28 June,” stated Edouard Philippe, Prime Minister of France.
Britain has not weakened the regime of self-isolation, but warned that from June 8, all entering will be sent to the quarantine.
“People coming to the UK, with some exceptions, will be asked to isolate themselves for two weeks. They will be required to provide their contact and location — for inspection”, said Priti Patel, the Minister of internal Affairs of England.
This fear can be understood. Swedish liberal scenario, where the mortality rate is very high, didn’t work. Questions for virus many. As well as rest of the country without tourism this summer will not survive. Greece Cyprus have been engaged in bilateral negotiations with individual countries, promising low prices and loyalty — the lack of quarantine, selective tests. Tourists are attracted, but you need to weigh what is more important to relax, where used, or more modest, but safer, because in case of emergency who will heal and take out?
the Former head of the Italian MOE, Guido Bertolaso doctor himself — were infected after 4 days of work in Lombardy. He was summoned to operate the emergency Commissioner. We write the interview in the centre of Rome, just 10 meters from us unleashed on the streets of teenagers. To gather in groups it is impossible, but the police was not enough.
– the Risk that remains? The epidemic is likely to come back?
– of Course, there is a risk. No, unfortunately, this cannot be ruled out. This is a new virus about which we learned only a few months ago. Its clinical behavior is insidious, because you need to continue to be careful — said Bertolaso.
Data from the regions, the government is considering carefully. New occasions. Reports from intensive care units. Dead. Phase 2, announced in Italy as well as announced and its possible cancellation if suddenly the reports from the hospitals will cease to be soothing.
Text: “News of the week”