the Wife of the head of Chuvashia Mikhail Ignatyev called “nonsense” the scandalous incident during the transfer of new fire trucks emergency workers. According to Larisa Ignatyeva, published in social networks video “converted formatted” and specially mounted so as to cause outrage to the head of the Republic.
“He knows this man! He jokingly said it,” — said Ignatieff Fifth channel.
the Incident took place in Cheboksary on Thursday at the solemn ceremony of transfer of new emergency vehicles to representatives of the fire brigades of several districts of the Republic. Circulated on the Internet a video, Ignatieff raises the hand with the keys and the emergency workers have to jump to get them. The video caused indignation of many users of social networks.
In the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic said: “the Chief of the city fire Department, who has been handed the keys and the head of the Republic have long been familiar, that have passed during the presentation of the keys should be regarded as a friendly joke.”
I do Not agree with his subordinates, the head of EMERCOM of Russia Evgeny Senichev: in his opinion, Ignatyev as the head of such a high rank it is unacceptable to behave in this way.
According to Deputy Secretary General Council of “United Russia” Yevgeny Revenko, the ethics Commission, the Executive Secretary which he is, consider the behavior of the head of the Chuvash Republic at its meeting on January 27.
Secretary of the General Council “United Russia” Andrey Turchak noted: the party will put the issue of exclusion Ignatieff from its ranks and on its compliance position.
TV Presenter Tina Kandelaki believes that “even such a reaction will help Ignatiev recover”.
“the Case is not too shabby. But for others like him, will be a great lesson she wrote in her telegram channel. And now Ignatieff himself, maybe with the keys to jump. From the office of the Deputy Director of the district house of culture. Friendly, in my own way".
member of the Central headquarters of the popular front (onf), Chairman of the Russian Union of veterans Mikhail Moiseev said act Ignatieff — not from a great mind.
“Ashamed of such behavior. Bad joke, no doubt,” said Moses.
And the Deputy of the state Duma from “United Russia” Natalia Poklonskaya believes that it is time “to impose a moral code for officials”, and after numerous complaints from civil servants allow themselves to humiliate the common man, promises to work with his team, the law on responsibility of officials for insulting people.
All journalists and bloggers Poklonskaya calls to inform her about such antics officials, promising to “respond with consequences for the “servants of the people”.
Before the controversial incident, emergency workers, the head of the Chuvash Republic at a ceremony in Cheboksary, on the occasion of the days of Russian and Chuvash print called “wet” journalists for criticizing the authorities. Ignatieff later apologized for this statement.