WhatsApp in a week will no longer work on iOS 8 and the old "Android"

Less than a week support for WhatsApp will be disabled on older phones. Starting Sunday, February 1, the new version of messenger will cease to be for iOS 8 and below and Android 2.3.7. This was reported on the support page of the service.

After this date, users will not be able to open a new account and confirm it has already been created. “Due to the fact that we do not plan to upgrade these operating systems, some functions may stop working on them at any time,” warned the developers.

the owners of the outdated OS it is recommended to switch to Android below 4.0.3, iOS 9 and older or phones with KaiOS 2.5.1 and later (including JioPhone and JioPhone 2).

Automatically transfer the history from one platform to another is impossible. However, users (except Germany) has the option to manually export the chats via email, recalled in WhatsApp.

From January 1, WhatsApp ceased to be supported on the mobile versions of Windows. The version for Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile has been removed from the Microsoft store, so use the pre-installed “linphone” program has become impossible.

Text: To.Hi-tech