Since June 1, the regions gradually begin to emerge from isolation, and some of them even opens the season, however, while in a limited format. What other changes are waiting for the Russians in June, read the selection

Summer vacation

From June 1 in Russia, opened the tourist season, however, due to the coronavirus, it will come in a limited format. While the government was allowed to resume work only to spas with medical license. In some regions, could also be opened apart-hotels and hotels of cottage accommodation.

However, in tourism we hope that further improvement of the epidemiological situation will allow to implement other opportunities to relax. The Department has actively develop new directions of travel in Russia by road, rail and even Charter routes.

the Organization of children’s rest this year will be able to engage in only those organizations that were in a special state register. For this they need to undergo the necessary checks to obtain sanitary-epidemiological conclusion and the license for medical activity. After June 1, not entered in the register of organizations will not be able to provide these services.

the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that the kids in the summer will be able to relax without the mask mode. However, in places of rest will be respected social distancing and disinfection mode. In addition, leisure for children should be organized in the regions with a favorable epidemiological situation of no travel outside entities in which they live.

Support families with children

From June 1, Russian authorities begin to pay back the financial assistance to families with children. So, for children up to 3 years provided for monthly payments in the amount of 5 thousand rubles for April, may and June. For children aged 3 to 16 years have a lump sum payment in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.

support measures for families with children during distributedia coronavirus infection 12 may announced the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. To apply for the appointment of the lump sum can be on a special page until October 1 of this year.

Increase in utility tariffs

it is Expected that from 1 June the whole of Russia, tariffs for communal services will grow by 4%. In 2019 their indexing took place in two stages — in January and July. In 2020 it will be held in the second half.

meanwhile, earlier in the Ministry of construction reported that the collection rate for utility services decreased to 50%. This is partly due to the regime self-isolation of the citizens, imposed because of the spread of coronavirus.

currently, Russia has a moratorium on the accrual and collection of interest for unpaid utility services. Signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin the decree also prohibited to disconnect consumers for non-payment from the supply of gas, heat, water and electricity.


June 1, debtor will be much harder to hide their money from the bailiff. It is planned that officers will have access to information about all kinds of Bank accounts starting account number and ending with data on the movement of funds both in rubles and in foreign currency. Currently, police officers can obtain necessary information on accounts.

Cancel “Bank roaming”

it is Assumed that since the 14th June will no longer be charged a fee for money transfers of citizens, if the payer and recipient opened with the same Bank but in different regions.