Author: Dmitry Kiselev
In Russia the confessions of specialists, the epidemic is at the stage of stabilization. And it is clear that the numbers are low mortality — our major achievement. The validity of the calculations is confirmed by the world health organization.
“In Moscow is a who collaborating centre. An official translation into Russian language of the new leadership of the world health organization coding of mortality from COVID-19 made by this Institute. This is the basis on which developed guidance for Russia. So there is no reason to doubt that something is different,” said the who representative in Russia, Melita Vujnović.
meanwhile, the mortality rate may still be higher. And it will be pending the result of the peak numbers of infection in April.
“Despite the positive factors, we see that they themselves are absolute numbers of cases, hospitalizations are still high. Moreover, the number of deaths from the coronavirus in may will be significantly higher than in April, obviously, because we are in April and early may was at the peak of disease. For the people, who were hospitalized at the time, fighting the doctors, and most of them saved. But it is obvious that the most difficult phase of the struggle for the lives of these people will be in may,” said the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin.
Meanwhile, his battle are scientists and doctors for the vaccine and effective medicine. So will see if it is the pill of hope? And if so, when?
Author: Elena Erofeeva
It weighs less than a gram — the pill for the first time offer patient. So start clinical trials of “Kalivia”. The Ministry of health gives the go-ahead. On a formula experts Saransk “Biochemist” has worked for a few months. The basis – the “molecule of Favipiravir”, it was invented by the Japanese 20 years ago. Treating flu and fever. Now this drug test against COVID-19.
“On the territory of Mordovia is carried out therapy about 100 patients. This can be a drug of hope, the drug of salvation,” — said Dmitry Zemskov, Executive Director of the pharmaceutical company “Biochemist”.
the Scientists who worked to create this medicine, I believe that the virus dies on the fourth day of treatment. Now it must prove.
“Today, we expect him to show antiviral activity specifically against COVID-19. Will this be a panacea? Of course not. But it would fundamentally change the course of the disease. Importantly, if a patient fell ill to this disease was without complications,” — said Dmitry Pushkar, academician of RAS, chief non-staff urologist of Ministry of health.
This means that one medicine is not enough. The approach to treatment needs to be comprehensive. Domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers today offer several development.
“For example, see our experts that the combination of certain drugs in combination with vitamins, in particular, with other common drugs, gives the best effect. And combining them into one dosage form is also a way to deal with improving the treatment of coronavirus infection,” said Vadim Tarasov, Director of the Institute for translational medicine and biotechnology sechenovskiy University.
Two of the Russian drug against coronavirus are now undergoing preclinical studies on white rats. Animals give excessive dose of the drug to test its negative impact on the body. This process will take about a month. And after three or four weeks it will be possible to begin clinical trials on patients.
In Sechenovskiy University tested seven drugs for the treatment of COVID-19. The majority of them domestic. Everyone makes their mechanism of action. Some drugs kill the virus, others are struggling with the complications.
“It is monoclonal antibodies, which are inhibitors of the so-called cytokine storm that accompanies severe forms of the flow COVID-19. This antiviral, and antirotavirusnye drugs, which are drugs direct exposure to the virus,” — said Andrey Svistunov, first Deputy rector sechenovskiy University, Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
the Effectiveness of drugs tested for patients University hospitals. Here today, being treated for the coronavirus for about two thousand people.
the Drug is “Levelmap”, which is now two and a half years prescribed for arthritis, doctors began to use it to suppress the cytokine storm .
“Cytokine storm causes the immune system acts against the person. The consequences are very severe, you need to stop them”, — said Dmitry Morozov, General Director of company “Biocad.”
cytokines are proteins that control the immune response. When the virus enters the lungs, our body takes with him into battle. Instead of trying to attack malicious cells, the immune system kills healthy. Such excessive activity can lead to a sad outcome. It is necessary to suppress. This is the principle of action of drugs against rheumatoid arthritis.
“not so Much flows, to which we are accustomed. Respiratory failure has many patients, but many patients do not feel it, surprisingly. There is necessarily a component of coagulopathy, violation of coagulability of blood. On-site lung develop mikrotromboza. This again suggests that we need a different therapy than classical pneumonia,” said Sergey Avdeev, head, Department of pulmonology sechenovskiy University, chief freelance pulmonologist of Ministry of health, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
intensive care to the last retard the connection of the patient to the ventilator if possible. The tube can damage the airway and increase the risk of infection — not VIRusnei, and bacterial.
“It’s a stumbling block. The last 4-5 years all over the world — the growing resistance of microbes to antibiotics. And we don’t know what to assign, so start coming up with combinations of antibiotics, which may in combination will allow the patient to survive. Effective antibiotics is a big problem. In America, Australia, the moon only, perhaps, it’s okay, because pharmaceutical companies is unprofitable to produce them. The who have announced that we will be very bad,” — said Sergey Tsarenko, Deputy chief physician for anesthesiology and intensive care clinical hospital №52 Moscow.
Try to use alternative methods, without intubation, when the tube in the trachea is not inserted. For example, a special device delivers oxygen under high pressure.
“It is, in principle, bad for the staff because it creates around itself, an aerosol, but since we all get it, we are going to take this calculated risk because the patient the better,” — said Sergey Tsarenko.
the Chinese and the Americans, on the contrary, in every serious case, use the ventilator, but the survival rate of ventilation is low. In the United States, according to the report of the new York physicians — 12%. In China – only 3%.
the doctors are trying different combinations of drugs, to prevent deterioration of the patient.
“the set of Malchish-Kibalchish “three day, three day hold, the Red Army was coming.” The same thing: a little to stand, to hold, during this time, the patient will be extinguished cytokine storm, then his condition will improve”, — said Sergey Tsarenko.
This treatment is very expensive, but it is still prescribed. For example: one vial “Aktarma” costs 25 thousand rubles. One dose is two vials.
“It prevents the development of the cytokine storm. Generally in medicine a lot is decided by some trivia: here one pill to give, and there — half, and there’s this to add,” — said Viktor Kalashnikov, head of the Department of cardiology and vascular surgery SMRC endocrinology, corresponding member of RAS, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor.
“60% of patients who could go in the adverse scenario, the time detected time introduced these drugs. It is really a multipillar scheme. We did not expect such a quick discharge of patients who came to us in serious condition,” — said Dmitry’tsevich, head of the Center COVID-19 SMRC endocrinology, Ministry of health, doctor of medical Sciences.
In Covina hospital, deployed at the National center of endocrinology, every third infected with the disease. People cannot die from COVID-19 – from a diabetic coma. In patients with diabetes, insulin stops working effectively. The dose must be increased.
“If this patient is obese, then we understand that he has a vascular disorder, there are violations of blood clotting and disorders of the interleukin levels. And all this is the basis for a more powerful development of the body’s response to the penetration COVID-19” — said Natalia Mokrysheva, Director of the SMRC of endocrinology, Ministry of health, corresponding member of RAS, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor.
the Hospital of the Federal Center of endocrinology was closed for two weeks, receiving scheduled patients did not. Now gradually returning to normal operation. In a single housing will accept COVID-positive, the other two clean from infection with endocrine disorders.
“a Huge army of patients who need it. There are cases when, unfortunately, we have to resort to amputations due to the fact that we could not provide timely assistance in the country,” said Marina Shestakova, academician of RAS, Director of Institute of diabetes SMRC endocrinology.
40 patients with the syndrome Diabfoot energy “accumulated” in line for surgery. 25 may launch the operating room.
Coronavirus losing ground: Russia is gradually recovering, the epidemic is on the decline. But the mortality is still growing. Experts explain: it’s natural, since the peak incidence occurred at the beginning of may. All this time doctors struggled for life of the patients.
“Patients admitted to hospital for treatment. Unfortunately, you can not save all. And now it is absolutely natural mortality, retreating 2-3 weeks, came to us in may. And here we are now in may will see a higher mortality rate than in April,” — said Oleg Zairatyants, Professor, chief freelance specialist in pathological anatomy of the Moscow health Department.
Russian scientists, meanwhile, are actively engaged in the development 47 of vaccines against coronavirus. Company “Biocad” to the end of the month will prepare a pilot batch and will proceed to preclinical testing. Institute Gamalei announced the beginning of tests on volunteers.
“Yes, we get a few vaccines, even vaccines. But, most importantly, to get such a vaccine which would effectively stimulated all branches of the immune system that we have,” said Alexander Gintsburg, academician of RAS, Director of SIC of epidemiology and Microbiology named after N. F. Gamalei.
But to kill the virus is capable of and their own T-cells a person’s. The cells that are at the meeting with the virus secrete cytokines – toxic to the antigen. The experiment was conducted on mice. They were infected by the coronavirus and then transplanted specific T-cells that kill the virus. That has created such a cell a trap. In humans, these memory cells can persist for decades.
“by analogy with other coronaviruses to say that the immune system, we hope to be persistent enough, a year or two for sure. And of course we will forget about it. But our cells will not forget about it. And we have the body for it and got B – and T-memory cells that will remember a previous infection and give us the necessary protection in case we are faced with this virus through time. T cells is a more efficient immune response,” explained Tatyana Gaponova, Deputy Director of transfusion SMRC Hematology, galvnoe freelance transfusiologist of the Ministry of health.
Scientists suggest that COVID-19 will become a seasonal disease and will not give forget about yourself. But to catch us off guard it was not possible. To vaccinate against coronavirus will begin in the fall.
Text: “News of the week”