In Vladivostok hosted a fancy dress race. From exercise in the fresh air has not stopped even 20-degree frost. As in the far East celebrate the New year?

While Moscow was sitting at the Christmas table, Vladivostok already burned calories. If not 1 January. Vigorous and fit the magazine literally broke in 2020, a costume race. Someone they invented the legend — only restaurant, and someone from a fairy tale. Pug Archie doesn’t seem to understand how he ended up in the costume of the pink unicorn.

They were even 20-degree frost has not stopped. Hundreds of children and adults opened the year under the picturesque guys of the Golden bridge.

Governor of the Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako believes: “Half of them still go to swim in the sea, to add energy and vigor!”.

the Vladivostok need energetic. He is now officially the capital not only of Primorye, but also all Far East. Iconic for a day the city celebrated in all its glory.

Crystal maze lit the sky over Vladivostok. Millions of lights illuminate the road in the new, 2020-th year. Hence, it is bright and saturated. Same as shades of these garlands.

the Magazine was out all night. Beneath this starry sky to make a wish. Throughout the city saluted with fireworks.

So in the pan dances only fresh smelt. Salt and pepper to emphasize the taste of foaming waves.

Brand-chef of pan-Asian cuisine restaurant Egor Anisimov shared a secret: “it is Very important not to wash it — otherwise, no distinctive flavor of the sea. It therefore differs from frozen!”.

the Underwater world is also dressed up for the holidays. These whitetip butterflies really like flit among the coral reefs. Judging by how easily they have adapted to the island Russian in the aquarium is not worse than in the Seychelles.