the Former Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Mikhail Dobkin bought the Order of Victory, which was withdrawn from dismantled in March 2019 the monument of Glory in Lviv.

“He weighs more than 700 lbs. sold as scrap non-ferrous metal. We bought it from vandals. Almost half a million hryvnia (about 21 thousand dollars),” wrote Dobkin in his Facebook.

he also posted some pictures: as the Monument of Glory looked like before, as it was destroyed, in what state was the Order of Victory, when they found him. One of Lviv firms wanted to sell the order as scrap metal.

Dobkin and his supporters carried the purchase to Kharkov and intend someday to return it to its original place. However, according to ex-Deputy, it will be soon.

“it Turns out the monuments are fighting not only for ideological reasons. It’s still the patriots, and good business”, — said Dobkin.

the Monument of Glory in Lviv dismantled a few months. 30-meter high stele of the monument was brought down from the third attempt on 3 March last year. The demolition of the monument in Lviv was condemned by many Ukrainian politicians. The head of the political Council of the “Opposition platform For life” Viktor Medvedchuk called these actions “a scorched-earth policy, which was always used by the enemies of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, the manifestation of lawlessness and politically motivated arbitrariness,” writes TASS.