Ukraine has filed an international arbitration Memorandum against Russia because of the incident in the Kerch Strait. The Ministry of foreign Affairs said on his Twitter page.

Ukrainian Agency intends to receive compensation from Russia. By order of the President of Russia Vladimir Zelensky Deputy head of the foreign Ministry Yevhen Yenin and the Ambassador of Ukraine in the Netherlands Vsevolod Chentsov authorized to represent Kiev in the cases against Moscow in the international court of justice and arbitral tribunals.

a Significant part of the claim is the intent to receive compensation for material and moral harm to the Ukrainian sailors. Also we are talking about damages of the naval forces of the country for damage done to the ships during their capture, and that Ukraine could not for some time to use the court, reports TASS.

Evgeny ENIN noted that the Russian side will have a term until August 22 to transmit its preliminary objections. Hearings may begin next year.

the Incident in the Kerch Strait took place in November 2018. Three ships of naval forces of Ukraine violated the right of passage through territorial waters of Russia. The vessels were detained and 24 sailors was arrested. They were indicted on charges of violating the state border.

the Sailors returned home in September 2019 at the elections held between Moscow and Kiev, mutual release and return of groups of citizens who had been arrested earlier.