Us President Donald trump is thinking about creating a Commission to review complaints of bias against conservatives in social networks. The administration may also encourage similar audits by Federal regulatory agencies such as the Federal communications Commission and the Federal election Commission.

the plans that are still being discussed — the creation of a White house Commission to study allegations of bias and censorship online. “Bias of the left wing in the sphere of high technology is a concern, which from our point of view, definitely need to be addressed and at least to show that Americans saw clearly what we’re dealing with,” he explained to the publication The Wall Street Journal, an unnamed White house representative.

the US President Donald trump has long expressed this view in a recent message on Twitter gave to understand that the mechanism for handling complaints of bias is developed.

“Radical left completely in command and in control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google,” wrote trump on may 16, adding: his administration is “working to correct this unlawful situation.”

the White house Plans can cause disagreement to the companies in the sector and other stakeholders, notes the WSJ. The version on the left slope of the high-tech companies do not agree, for example, the current President of the trade Association “Association of the Internet” (Internet Association) John Berroya. “Online platform does not have a political bias and give an opportunity to be heard by more people than at any time in history,” he says.

Any government actions embody significant risk of errors due to the rights of companies to freedom of expression and other potential problems, says senior counsel for the American civil liberties Union Kate Roan.

Although it is impossible to predict what steps momay be taken by the administration, “we do know that when the government tries to intervene in decisions of private companies regarding the moderation of content based on the viewpoints of, for this, typically followed by lapses that undermine the confidentiality, security, and freedom of speech on the Internet,” she said.