In Tomsk doctors saved a child swallowed a magnetic ball 31. Surgeons at children’s hospital ambulance with gastrofibroscopy using a powerful magnet was removed from the stomach of a three-year boy balloons.
Noticing the child stomach pain, the parents went to doctors, which helped to avoid serious consequences. One bead has penetrated into the intestine and within a few hours he would have bonded with the magnetic balls, which were in the stomach, the result of which could be perforation with peritonitis is a serious and more complex surgery.
According to chief physician of the emergency hospital №2 Andrey Karavayev, in the last 4 years there has been more than 10 such cases: “This is a serious operation. Children often swallow a few dozen of these magnets, which slips, grab the intestinal wall, and no longer able to disconnect themselves. The result is a multiple of the perforation, ending with peritonitis. Save only operation. Inside the stomach and intestines of the child look like they were shot with bullets.”
Karavayev noted that daily observing the consequences of swallowing magnets, he would have banned the sale of toys. Swallow the magnets not only kids, on the operating table are children of the age of reason. “In our practice there was a case, when 12-year-old child swallowed 87 balls,” said the doctor.
Children often take them for sprinkles, with cakes and pastries.
Doctors are warning parents to be especially careful when buying such toys.