Tomsk authorities plan to extend the mask mode in the region of two months. About this at the next meeting of the regional Legislative Duma said the Deputy Governor Ivan Deev. It reminds GTRK “Tomsk”, in accordance with the order of the Governor Sergey Zhvachkin, mandatory wearing of masks introduced in the region since may 18. Fine violators — up to 30 thousand rubles.

As explained Ivan Deev, a mask mode was announced, primarily due to the fact that the increased number of asymptomatic patients with coronavirus infection. Today, about 70% of patients with a confirmed diagnosis COVID-19 carry the infection without any symptoms.

Also, Ivan Deev said parameters, which depend on the region from total lockdown. Is the number of tests for coronavirus, bed availability and rate of spread of the virus. In the first two region can safely move to the next stage of the withdrawal restrictions. So if by the beginning of June will not be recorded a sharp increase in the number of cases and prevalence of infection is less than one, the head of the region Sergey Zhvachkin can make the decision to ease quarantine measures.

According oberstab, in the region of 622 cases of new coronavirus infection. 27 people got sick over the past day. Eleven patients have died.

Text: GTRK “Tomsk”