Muscovites have access to their electronic health records. Now the necessary information is stored not only on the shelves of the registry is to know everything you can remotely in the personal Cabinet. Simply fill out the registration form. In the electronic map data is stored on the doctor’s reports, test results and surveys. How the new system?
Electronic medical records is already at 10 million Muscovites, but before it was access only from the doctors. Now and the patients themselves can see all your lab results and appointment in any point of the country and the world to the Internet.
– How do you feel now?
– Joint is sore, almost constantly, especially in the evenings.
Grigory Filippov is now undergoing survey, preparing for surgery, and in any case carries a all shots and tests. But the doctor in the clinic, it’s all there in the computer, but when the man go for a consultation at the hospital, you will need to take all documents with you. Do not forget anything.
– patient Access to electronic map is generally a great thing! To carry a pile of papers, pictures and everything else is already possible to say that the anachronism!
Now to get access to their electronic map on the Moscow portal of public services through a personal account. Enough to fill out a registration form.
“People not only want to know about your health — they want to be a part of the process and together with the doctors to discuss the treatment and appointment. And we believe that they have the right to it,” — said the Deputy mayor of Moscow in Government of Moscow on issues of social development Anastasia Rakova.
eight years in the capital region has a single medical information system. Through the Internet you can sign up to the professionals, it also contains all medical data of patients not only information about the techniques of doctors, but also all ultrasound, x-ray studies, MRI, AnaLisa’s blood.
– Each patient is assigned a barcode. After the tests we have prepared, all the results come in an electronic map of the doctor.
connected TO UMIAS 800 medical institutions. Clinics, dispensaries, doctors, ambulance — they can see all the information about the patients. Also in this system plan to include all Moscow hospitals.
“It allows the doctor to see not only the techniques of the doctors in the clinic, but also to see what appealed patient in others — for example, oncological dispensaries, in connection with which he called the ambulance”, — says the chief doctor of the city polyclinic No. 68 Natalia Kuznetsova.
during the year, the cards will have extra sections — for example, information about vaccination and information about written out preferential recipes. In addition, patients themselves can provide additional information — information about allergies, your lifestyle, physical activity and harmful habits. This electronic diary will help doctors more accurately diagnose.
Text: “to Conduct-Moscow”