for more than two thousand inhabitants of the Moscow region went to the doctors due to tick bites. And, as reported today in the CPS, about one-third of victims — children. Despite the chilly weather, the carriers of dangerous diseases are now very active. And they occur more often in yards than in the woods.

“there you are — more interesting than looking for mushrooms,” says the employee.

And all because the mushrooms still need to search, and tick — here it is, on the surface. And most importantly it a lot. The naked eye can not see, but the scientific staff of the Central research Institute of epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor has a proven method. Multiple Postings of the canvas bright cloth on the grass, and you can collect the catch.

hundreds of ticks caught, to see if any of them have dangerous diseases that can be transmitted to humans by the bite.

to Look for ticks in the forest case is almost hopeless. Dozens of kilometers can not find a single specimen. The mite likes to settle next to the man. For example — here an apartment building, and only on this small lawn can be up to two dozen carriers of dangerous diseases.

due to the unusually warm winter, most mites and their nests survived. So now in the Moscow Metropolitan area especially a lot of them. So much so that even professional hunters on these pests, which, apparently, comply with all security measures, sometimes they themselves become the prey.

the Specialists of the Institute of epidemiology bites almost not terrible. They grafted from the encephalic most terrible plague, which is transmitted by ticks. The disease affects the Central nervous system and can cause total paralysis. But the bacteria that cause no less dangerous disease Lyme disease — in excess.

“His infection baralyme in the Moscow region, when we collect them alive and look, up to 30% could be reached,” — said Lyudmila Karan, head of research group developing new methods of diagnosing endemic diseases research Institute epidemiology.

in addition to the encephalic ticks and Lyme disease, cause even with a dozen diseases. Any hint reveal them in the laboratory. The work is at the level of molecules.

“the Device indicates the presence or absence of the DNA or RNA of the pathogen in the given sample” — says Yana Grigorieva, researcher of the laboratory develop new diagnostic methods of natural focal diseases of TSNII of epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor.

Central research Institute of epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor — Russia’s largest center for infectious pathologies. Scientists of the Institute study the causes of diseases and pandemics in the modern world. Here identify the symptoms and course of diseases and develop therapies.

“At the Institute is to develop innovative test systems, allowing to promptly diagnose most infectious diseases known to humanity,” said Alexander Gorelov, the Deputy Director on scientific work of Institute of epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor.

of Course, now the main forces of the Institute were left to struggle with coronaviruses. Each day spend eight thousand studies on the virus itself and antibodies to it. And the development is already a test system that will be able to identify the person COVID-19 in just ten minutes.