seven hours delayed surgery for a leg amputation three inexperienced medical student. It happened in the Arctic. Surgery fourth-year students of medical University was carried out at the insistence of a surgeon of our hospital in Murmansk region. Now medic is a defendant in a criminal case.
It was opened under part 1 of article 238 of the Criminal code of Russian Federation (“Rendering services not meeting requirements of safety of life and health”). Found that the surgeon ordered the surgery interns, although I knew that they do not possess all the needed knowledge and skills, and do not have that right.
the Physician has flagrantly violated the patient’s right to receive skilled medical care, decided the Prosecutor’s office.
With surgery interns at the risk of life of the patient finally succeeded, receiving from the professional surgeon only verbal instructions. The patient was under anesthesia, lasting about eight hours. In addition, the investigation found: the surgeon during the operation repeatedly left the operating room, and after it did not hesitate to bring in medical documents “false information about the independent operation”.
In the Murmansk office of the Investigative Committee of Russia believe that the surgeon deliberately put the lives and health of the patient in danger, this way of providing medical services could lead to a situation threatening the life and health of the patient.