Nearly two dozen amendments to the presidential project of changes in Constitution arrived in the state Duma Committee on state construction and legislation. This became known today during the meeting in the Public chamber of the meeting of the working group that is preparing amendments. The group has already received more than 100 different initiatives.

a New stage of work — reception of comments and suggestions. They now come in tens, and this entire amount of information yet to be systematized.

“Moving from quantity to quality. Received in a working group of more than 100 amendments, more amendments and about 20 went to the state Duma”, — said Pavel Krasheninnikov, head of the Duma Committee on state construction and law.

To those that are the most common, in the Public chamber already drew attention.

“This novel, which is proposed to make the Constitution — the possibility of placing public authorities not only in the capital. Surprisingly, this topic was also very interesting to the public,” said taliya khabrieva, Director of the Institute of legislation and comparative law under the government of Russia.

the Rules in the Constitution because you can not only add, but, on the contrary, exclude some of them long since obsolete.

the Celebrated Paralympic athlete Sergey Burlakov, the first person in the world on artificial limbs, running a marathon, not again represented Russia in the international arena and I am sure that we have earned the right to have their own opinion: “It’s about opportunities to gather around the Federal Assembly to hear speeches of leaders of foreign States. Yes, in the 90s, our country has often looked in the mouth and sometimes depended on the opinions of other countries”.

“it is clear that there is already a housing formed of amendments which have already undergone internal legal review, some assessment, but this does not mean that no additional the actual amendment cannot be accepted”, — said Petr Kiryan, head of laboratory of social research of the Institute of regional problems.

Ahead a careful selection, and from around this table people will determine what will be in the document for the second reading in the State Duma.

the Public chamber — a consultative body, nine people from here joined the working group for amendments to the Constitution. There is a very extensive network of branches in all regions, and each of them can become a platform for discussion

the Opportunity to make editorial changes in the Constitution was political parties.

“We have made the amendments to the law on presidential elections. 25 years — that’s right. but we have made amendment on compulsory service in the Armed forces, compulsory as some kind of managerial position, necessarily, to be elected by the population, though someone once,” said Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the liberal democratic party.

And the following refinements were made to improve the Constitution, are now collected in all Russian regions.

“This access to the people, to understand what changes are needed for young people, for the people,” says Khizri Shihsaidov, speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Dagestan.

All this is happening in public — anyone can join, if he has his view on constitutional reform.

“the President’s Position is simple — the time for backroom decisions passed. The decision will be taken only after full discussion. And in fact, the decision will be people” — said Andrei Klishas, head of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation and state construction.

a nationwide vote is required of him, the President said in his address to the Federal Assembly, and without the approval of the population of the amendments to the Constitution will simply not take effect.