a 97-year-old Zinaida Antonovna the Root of the veteran from St. Petersburg, participant of the battle for Stalingrad is now writing many of the Russian and world media. In the midst of the pandemic in the fashion industry, she supported the initiative of the 100-year-old veteran from UK Tom Moore, who is to fight Kovalam collected $ 37 million.

For this, he promised supporters to walk around the house a hundred times.

Our grandmother Zina, learning of this, decided to collect money to help the families of doctors who have died in the line of duty, fighting the coronavirus.

to Those who responded to this initiative, she promised to tell social networks about your last combat: as the girl went off to fight and was one of the hottest spots of the great Patriotic war.

the Result stunned the woman, Zina, and her family, without whom technically it is, of course, would not have coped.

the Initiative of veteran and military history has made such a heartfelt response from people that in the first half were collected 300 thousand roubles, and for two weeks – three million.

Zinaida Antonovna admits she didn’t expect such a reaction and in awe of the fact that people so respond.

“no money will bring back loved ones, but when it comes to grief, everyone wants to be with him was someone close,” says a war veteran.

The “Live” Zinaida Antonovna the first time will meet with those who had listed it had collected the money.

All of Russia from grandma Zina received the help more than 70 families of dead doctors.

most of all, recognizes the veteran, she was touched by the story of the dynasty of Moscow doctors Goncharov in April from the coronavirus has died, two representatives of this glorious family.

a Cardiologist Nikolai Goncharov died in eight days, and two days later his father died – Igor Goncharov, honored doctor of Russia, member of the Russian Academy of cosmonautics.

Then the doctor of medical Sciences Anna Goncharova lost her husband almost at the same time and father-in-law, but with his son – also a physician – they continue to help people.

Who served in the war Zinaida Antonovna? Who and how helped her to realize this difficult for an elderly person’s initiative?

As she chooses the family who sent help? Is there any doctors among her descendants? And what a gift sent grandma Zina in Britain a 100-year-old veteran, inspired the initiative?

what are the challenges faced by the volunteers, and where she finds the strength to deliver assistance to the needy in his car 80-year-old survived the blockade Galina Yakovleva?

About the “virus” of kindness and unique people in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” on TV channel “Russia 1”.