The US and its allies have accused of attempt of failure of the "Belt of Maritime security"

the Commander of the Navy of Iran Hossein Hanzade accused the U.S. of trying to sabotage the teachings of Iran, Russia and China in the Northern part of the Indian ocean. As said Hanzade Agency Tasnim, the Americans and their allies discussed the destructive plans of the special emergency meeting. Certain “distractions”, concluded the commander allowed us to carry out the maneuvers successfully.

an exercise called “the Zone of Maritime security” took place from 27 to 30 December 2019 in the Indian ocean and the Gulf of Oman, writes RIA Novosti. The participants were trained in the fight against terrorism and Maritime piracy.

Recent months, the US is trying to create a coalition to ensure the safety of the waters near Iran after a series of attacks on tankers under different flags.