Hong Kong is no longer Autonomous from China. As reported by Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, he notified Congress. Accusing the Chinese authorities of undermining the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong, Washington is preparing the ground for new sanctions against China — they are Donald trump intends to report this week. How you react in Beijing and what will happen next?

It was a last warning from the Hong Kong police force — banners with calls to disperse. The protesters ignored them, because I had to apply gas.

More than three hundred of the rioters were arrested. Many of the seized Molotov cocktails. On the eve in the Network distributed calls to paralyze traffic and disrupt the meeting of the local legislative Assembly, where on the agenda the issue of responsibility for disrespect to the national anthem of China.

“Hong Kong is an indivisible part of China, so we bear the constitutional responsibility. The national anthem is a symbol and of great importance,” — said the chief Secretary of administration of Hong Kong, Matthew Cheung.

it is Clear that the organizers of the protests was not interested in the national anthem. The picture for the Western press — “Communist China suppresses freedom-loving Hong Kong” — and this on the eve of the adoption of the law on national security against separatism and foreign intervention that supposedly will further untie the hands of Beijing. To associate their dream in the White house, where vengeance will lead consultations on the new batch of anti-China sanctions, up to and freeze the U.S. assets of China. Donald trump already announced:

Is that what you’ll hear until the end of the week. And that something will be powerful!

the trump power of Chinese media, however, strongly questioned — called another bluff, because the pandemic has hamstrung the American economy and not in its interests to another trompowsky Tomahawk. Moreover, Hong Kong residents gather in support of the law signature — they are more than a million.

“we All know the protesters pogroms, arsons, attempted to split the country. We should resist this for the safety of residents and the whole country”, — said the member of the legislative Council of Hong Kong and Holden Chow Ho-Ding.

“If the national Assembly accepts the bill, it will help Hong Kong because of the fakes that circulate on the Internet and inciting some residents, threaten the economy of Hong Kong, the business stops,” said a member of the legislative Council of Hong Kong Peter SIU Ka FAI.

Mini-Hong Kong in downtown Beijing — an imitation of the famous double-Decker buses, neon signs, bars. One entertainment center after coronaries never opened, left without visitors and income. And because this situation can be easily transferred to the whole of Hong Kong, whose financial well-being for many years depends on investment from mainland China. Hong Kong authorities understand this well. The new law is about financial stability, to protect that Beijing will be all ways.

“If someone will insist to jeopardize the interests of China, then Beijing will take all necessary measures to resolute rebuff”, — said the official representative of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of China Zhao Lijiang.

But American politicians go even further: on the Congress website under No. 6948 is a bill on the recognition of Chinese Tibet an independent state. Before the U.S. insisted on the independence of Taiwan, and now to its shores, according to Daily Mail, China aims for exercise two of an aircraft carrier, for which, says the West will be followed by a military invasion. To armed confrontation it is unlikely to happen. While the Chinese military is just a warning.

“the actions of the us side seriously violate the PrinceIP “one-China” policy and the three joint Sino-American communique. States grossly interfere in China’s internal Affairs and undermine the very peace and stability in the Taiwan region,” — said the official representative of the Ministry of national defense of China From Qian.

just before the Chinese generals, met the head of China, XI Jinping. He thanked for helping in the fight against the epidemic and reminded defense spending this year, though it will be less than usual, but still will increase by six percent.