UN Secretary-General, antónio Guterres, condemned the actions of the American authorities towards the protesters.

According to the representative of the Secretary General Stefan Dujarric, Guterres urged the US government to show restraint and demanded to investigate the situation of the police used harsh measures to disperse the demonstrators.

Guterres also concerned about the actions of the police against journalists. Before the guards sprayed among members of the media with tear gas; suffered and our compatriot. As noted Dujarric, the attack on journalists — it is an attack on society.

race riots in US history is not new. The loudest of them by the TV channel “Russia 24” gathered in help.

In August 1965 riots in the suburbs of Los Angeles — watts, about. The occasion was the arrest of a black teenager; he was suspected of driving while intoxicated. In clashes with police involving more than 30 thousand people. Riots with arson and looting of shops went on for six days. 34 people were killed and more than thousands were injured. Almost three and a half thousand were arrested, the damage amounted to more than $ 40 million.

In July of 1967, riots broke out in Detroit. The occasion was a search at an illegal bar, where a few dozen people celebrated the returning Vietnam veterans. Local skirmishes escalated into massive riots. In clashes killed more than 40 people, nearly 500 were wounded. Arrested more than seven thousand people, the majority black. The damage, according to various estimates, ranged from 40 to 80 million dollars.

In April and may of 1968 in several American cities, a wave of unrest after the assassination of Martin Luther king. In Washington, Baltimore, and Louisville took to the streets tens of thousands of African Americans. In total in clashes with police and the military killed at least 20 people, more than 1,800 were injured. 11 thousand people were arrested. And the damage amounted tofork at least $ 20 million.

In April 1992 in California occurred the largest in US history, the mass protests, which became known as the Los Angeles riot. The occasion was the acquittal by a jury a group of police officers who beat a black man. During the clashes were killed 55 people, injured 2000, 12 thousand arrested. The damage exceeded a billion dollars.

In August 2014, riots broke out in Ferguson (Missouri). The occasion was the killing by police of an unarmed black teenager while trying to arrest. After the court refused to initiate proceedings against police officers, began demonstrations that escalated into riots. During one of the actions of the demonstrators fired at a police helicopter. During the riots dozens of people were injured and more than 80 detained.