For a free visit in the Moscow region from June 1, open parks, said the Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov. But in the Park it will be necessary to go to the mask. The resolution of the Moscow government about it will be released the evening of 28 may, reports channel “Russia 24”. But playgrounds while will not open.
sorry, said Andrei Vorobyov, restaurants, cafes and shopping malls in the suburbs in the first week of June will remain closed. The Governor and health officer considered the opening of cafes and restaurants, even on open porches, premature and dangerous.
the Governor of Moscow region has promised that cafes and restaurants will be open as soon as will be shown further positive dynamics of the coronavirus COVID-19. In the suburbs there is a gradual lifting of restrictions. For example, since may 18 I started to work for the company and the company of wholesale trade, construction, service stations, tire, car washes and auto parts stores.
From may 25 in the Moscow region work resumed sales of apartments and cars. Both in Moscow and in the suburbs again became available car sharing. But the machine must be taken for a period of not less than five days. From June 1, individuals open multi-function centers (MFCS). Previously, these centres were opened only for organizations.
In the MFC until you can only get about 15-17 types of services that can be obtained only in paper form. Among them, the replacement passport, receipt of certificates on the property, obtain a number of certificates.
in the Summer, said Andrei Vorobyov, the population of the Moscow region almost doubled. He expressed the hope that this will not affect the deterioration of the epidemiological situation in the region.All other restrictions remain in force until June 14. Moscow region Governor wished all residents and their relatives health. He expressed the hope that the second wave of infection by the coronavirus can be avoided.