In Los Angeles was found dead of an actor from the TV series the Highlander Stan Kirsch. As Fox News reports, 51-year-old actor committed suicide at home.

information about the death of Kirsch said his wife, Christine green. She published a post in Facebook.

“I Want to thank everyone for their love and support. I couldn’t answer all messages, calls and letters, but read and listened to them all,” asked Greene to subscribers.

a message about the death of Kirsch appeared on the official “Highlander” Facebook in.

“No Stan Kirsch the series “Highlander” would be incomplete. For six seasons he brought a sense of humor, kindness and youthful exuberance of the hero of rich Ryan,” reads the post.

In the TV series “Highlander” Kirsch played the role of Richie Ryan – assistant of the main character Duncan Macleod, played by Adrian Paul. Kirsch also known for the TV series “Friends” and “Divorce in Hollywood”.