the Speaker of the Estonian Parliament, a member of the Conservative people’s party Henn Billwas demanded to revise border Treaty with Russia. In an article for the newspaper Eesti Paevaleht, the speaker pointed out that the treaties on the Russian-Estonian state border and delimitation of sea spaces in the Narva and Finnish gulfs from 2014 to violate the Estonian Constitution.

Also Billwas criticized Estonian politicians supporting the ratification of treaties. He believes that the only Treaty relevant to law, that the Tartu peace Treaty of 1920 between Estonia and Soviet Russia. According to him, Russia was the first to recognize the independence of Estonia and Ivangorod passed the area (now Ivangorod, Leningrad region) and a large part of the Pechora region (now the Pechora district of the Pskov region). In 1944 these lands were returned to the RSFSR.

“unfortunately, there are politicians who ignore the Constitution, trample the interests of Estonia and as the only true policy and diplomacy recognize the subservience to Russia. They want to legitimize the occupation and annexation of the Estonian territories, and to pay almost five per cent of our land,” wrote Billwas.

the Prime Minister of Estonia jüri Ratas advocates for the ratification of a new border Treaty with the Russian Federation, which countries do not have each other’s territorial claims, but hopes for approval of the document by the current Parliament of Estonia are almost there, RIA Novosti reported.