next week the Ministry of education will launch a hotline on the issues of the exam. The exam will be held on 29 June. This year, exceptionally, to pass it will be only those graduates who intend to enter higher education. Final exams for ninth-grade students decided not to cancel, and certification — to apply current estimates. The state examinations in universities and diploma will be held in online mode.
Stabilization of the epidemiological situation will allow to conduct the exam. The main stage kicks off on June 29. The exam will be held in full-time mode, but at observance of measures to provide increased security. The main conditions – presence of required PPE and equipment. All schools should be equipped with automatic thermometers before the exam the room will undergo sanitary treatment. The number of students in the class will cut in half, and the distance between them is about two meters.
“the Epidemiological situation will allow us to conduct the exam. From this we are told the subjects of the Russian Federation. We are constantly in touch with those who are responsible for a single exam, the spotlight. Together with colleagues from the CPS, and medical staff”, — said the Minister of education of the Russian Federation Sergey Kravtsov.
While the objective assessment of the increased security measures will not affect. Each student will have the opportunity to pass all required application items. But to risk the health and to conduct final examinations will not be used now. Usually the final certification schools are at the end of may-early June. This year the assessment has decided to put down automatically.
“This decision is dictated primarily by concern for the health of our students and teachers. We decided to hold a certification from the ninth and senior classes in the final assessment. Accordingly, the certificates will be issued to them on June 15. Then grade 11 who decided to enter higher educational institutions, they will be able to pass the exam in those subjects which they need for admission to the University,” explained Sergey Kravtsov.
the online this year will be held the state exams in universities, and thesis defense. Remotely thunder and noisy festivities on the occasion of graduation. The initiative to hold a single all-Russian outlet online put forward the Ministry of science and higher education. And although the measure is necessary, the Agency believe that this format will allow you to celebrate the holiday with literally the whole country.
“If you think about it, online and even allows you to erase the border. One day, I think it will be the fourth of July, on the one hand, will unite all events. And I would like to congratulated the graduates, a tradition of all the Russias, the best, the most successful people in our country who have returned to their College years, said farewell,” — said the Minister of science and higher education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov.
At the same time will also be taken and local areas. Because of the different time zones, epidemiological and traditions. What activities can be held – each region will decide on their own. The online format will be in addition to the General holiday. The idea is already supported by many universities across the country. And here are those to the University for several more years, probably still will be able to go on vacation. Wellness company for students may begin the first of July, and recommendations for its implementation have already prepared the CPS.
“there Will be additional security measure and students and staff of the health institutions. It is clear that we and the CPS recommend that you stay within your region. We will see how will develop the situation, finally will come out of it,” — said Sergey Kravtsov.
Monday, the Ministry of education launches hotline where employees will be able to answer all questions relating to the campaign and a children’s recreation.