Particular attention this week to Dagestan. The Republic is in the top five Russian regions by the number of confirmed cases of infection with coronavirus.

earlier In the week, Putin gathered in Dagestan special meeting. “The situation in the Republic is complex and requires, of course, additional and urgent measures, a precise work of regional authorities and the Russian government. Dagestan should be given all necessary support. Want you knew and were confident that Dagestan is now the whole of Russia and this difficult time we will go together. Will do our best to help you to cope with the disaster,” — said the President.

To support Dagestan adopted special measures. Through the Ministry of defence there takes place a special hospital for infectious diseases. Forces MES sanitizes. In addition, the Republic sent additional teams of doctors.

This Eid the Dagestanis was not. Right here, right now was supposed to be walking and crowds, and the Eid prayers inside the main mosque was going to be no less than 8 thousand believers. Empty. On urban and rural streets, where the festival needs to run over to the candy kids, deserted.

In the small village of Kunki for safety measures came from one of the first. The most emotional video where people are calling for him not to come, otherwise curing will be nobody and nothing. A mask mode.

While in remote areas people evacuated sanitary aviation of the Ministry of health of the city are closed on quarantine. The hospitals are overwhelmed. The hum of the ventilator and the heavy breathing of the patients is a new reality in which now you have to work with doctors of city clinical hospital of Makhachkala and other clinics of Dagestan. Office crammed. The situation in the “red zone” — from the horse’s mouth. “Left three patients, they were in critical condition, hooked up to machines,” — said the doctors.

Since the beginning of the week in the Republic went to the Federal centre: from Moscow, North OssetiaAI, Stavropol. Seconded from the Rostov region the group of rescuers on special equipment disinfect the streets and buildings. Processed even the mosque, despite the fact that they are closed. Lack of funds and work, as they say here, you need for sure.

the Premises are divided into squares, each responsible for its own scope of work. As in the suburbs of Buinaksk, where just a day deployed mobile hospital of the Ministry of defense. It can accommodate up to 100 people. 57 inflatable compartments connected to utilities and is ready to accept the local population.

the same cell complex is expected in the mountainous Botlikh district. Three infectious hospital on 60 beds will be built and in hospitals of Kaspiisk, Khasavyurt and Derbent. For the construction of the last you can even watch online. These buildings will remain a Republic, which until recently was suffocating from a lack of places in hospitals.

to listen to doctors and to adhere to self-imposed isolation, the people called on the champion of UFC Habib Nurmagomedov. Doctors fight for life of his father.

How long will the quarantine in the Republic, it is difficult to predict. While outside the hospital medical staff to help charitable foundations and philanthropists, in the clinics themselves local colleagues consult experienced doctors from Moscow who have work in a few major foci. Modern laboratory for diagnosis of the coronavirus came from Stavropol. Drugs Republic will provide the Ministry of healthcare.

the causes of the unfavourable epidemiologic situation in the Republic will have to deal after the end of the epidemic: only if enough doctors on time and whether they received required payments. Now a well-known Dagestani encourage citizens not to look guilty, and carefully observe the prescribed experts security measures.

Text: “News of the week”