In Russia from other countries of the flights keep coming back tourists. All arrived in mandatory test for coronavirus, and then sent to a two-week quarantine. In what circumstances is isolation?

the Next flight from India to Moscow. Russian tourists finally returned home. But in their hometowns, they will go immediately. First, you need to go through a two week quarantine in a special Observatory. Behind this strange word hides the usual hotels and resorts in the Moscow region.

All quarantined under medical observation. Twice a day measure the temperature. Bring food directly to the room. And not only food: you can order baby diapers or even toys.

Lodge for two people or families. All rooms have TVs and Internet. Exit from the room impossible. Walk only on the balcony.

– As you can see, there’s a beautiful view of the forest. With my roommate we sometimes have dinner, lunch, Breakfast.

Artem flew on an internship in Bishkek. Arrived in Moscow on 17 may. The Observatory became a year older.

– In this Observatory I had the most unusual birthday of his life. The first day of observation coincided with my birthday.

In the suburbs under the state Observatory converted resorts and hotels and private hotels, the owners of which agreed to help in placing people with only 11 points.

“on 2 April We met the first flight. He was from Sri Lanka, arrived 355 people. This work is now fully established, the day we accept from one to four flights where on Board from 80 to 360 people,” said Anna Krotova, the first Deputy Minister of transport of the Moscow region.

From the beginning of April Moscow Observatory took 2.5 thousand people. 1.5 thousand of them with a negative test for the coronavirus has already left for their towns.

Text: “Vesti-Moscow”