Author: Dmitry Kiselev
One of the main topics of the meeting of the Russian security Council became the summer vacation season. The subject sharp. After all, many Russians, sat up in isolation, with interest and hope watching the news on how different countries are beginning to remove restrictions on entry and luring foreign tourists great deals. Not worth hanging ears. Pandemic coronavirus is far from exhausted. Hospital beds everywhere is not enough. Yes, and they’re not for visitors. Better — home country.
“Highly undesirable today to travel abroad. Today, every day in the world is registered about 100 thousand new cases. It is only those which are known. Because the level of testing is extremely different in different countries. And there are countries where testing is practically non-existent. And patients there. It is important to understand that even if you tried, even if you went back to your home country, you will have 2 weeks for your account to be isolated in order not to harm other people, people close to you,” said the head of Rospotrebnadzor, chief state sanitary doctor of Russia Anna Popova.
Even if the epidemic went into decline, we could expect the second wave of coronavirus, which can strike at any time. This speaks directly to the world health organization. And we have the first wave failed. The Russian foreign Ministry began to take out the Russians from countries with dangerous epidemiological situation in February. The flights are full. Still not all arrived.
foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov cited the latest statistics President: “We are in the framework of the decisions taken by the operational headquarters from March 18 this year, provided the export 240 thousand of our citizens, even a little more. Remains on the lists that using operational headquarters are reconciled, 25 200. And now about ten flights planned for the next few days.”
Yes, the risk for a runaway to occur. We all know that some GOV’tbe behaved just on the bandit. Take Montenegro, which announced the beginning of the tourist season from 1 June. Will allow citizens of States with a favorable epidemiological situation. While inquiries about the lack of COVID-19 and tests on arrival to demand will not. And all will work again: hotels, restaurants, beaches, shops, cinemas.
And two months ago, this hospitable country, took hostage a thousand Russians. The Montenegrin authorities did not give the Russian airlines permission to take them home before our fighters, imported from Russia Montenegrins — for free, without tickets. So osadochek remained. Who can guarantee that in the case of the arrival of the second wave of coronavirus such an outrage will not happen again? In General, it is necessary to listen to Russian authorities, calling on Russians this year to relax at home.
“We remember that coronavirus infection was imported from abroad, so we consider it appropriate to refrain from trips abroad. It is necessary to exclude even the slightest possibility of re-importation of coronavirus infection in Russia. It is important to preserve your health, not to endanger their loved ones, and also to avoid possible difficulties with homecoming, what suddenly faced thousands of Russian tourists this spring. I recommend to take this into account when planning travel,” — said the Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin.
Russia is big, and places to go in the summer, we have more than enough.
Author: Maxim Kiselev
neither the audience, Nor rates. But the Akhal-Teke horses, Arabians and thoroughbreds, hooves already eat ground Jogging tracks in test runs and races on weekends. The 135th season of the Pyatigorsk Racecourse could not start. Self-isolation in the stables for the horses.
They are the pride of the brand, the wealth. Horses, hunted, breeders of Iran, Saudi Arabia and Europe. Their pure blood “flows” there from the sweatomstva to offspring already in the second century. Since then, as far from Pyatigorsk appeared first count of the stable.
the Tersk stud. Legend. The Arabian horses were brought here still count Stroganov. Budyonny it prepared the horses for the commanders of the red Army. And in 1945 on Red square Zhukov left on Tersk horse breed.
When closed, the whole world, and this knows no borders, the system had to shut down. Kazakhs Mongols m not reroute already purchased horses running Arabic not to leave on a European tour. Seem bored at will, tearing the reins 370-th descendant of the legendary Aswan, the stallion, whom Khrushchev at the opening of the Egyptian dam begged Abdel Nasser.
Barker also, if in test mode, check do not lose any skills over the weeks that the quarantine Pyatigorsk lived without the bustle and colour of the shopping malls. The markets opened only in mid-may, very slow return of buyers and centuries-old rules by which milk yesterday can only be in the form of oil.
Market in the Caucasus to some extent the town-forming enterprise. On a typical day in these rows, up to 3.5 thousand customers. In coronavirus times — twice less. But still better than when the milk could not “break” through the roadblocks.
Without holidaymakers sad. Homemade cheese, sujuk and transparent as parchment, candy, they are swept away in the early morning hours.
for the First time in two months in these workshops frosting to go on the baked clay. Piatigorsky master from the holiday season are not much less than the health doctors. Except for the artist to work the patient is not required.
at the same time convex and a depth image or corporate identity. He is in every souvenir plate, figurine or vase, which already barely fit on the shelves of the warehouse and still closed shops.
These corridors, even with the months-long delay, the shuffling of feet on the carpets then they will. And when the boulevards and parks of Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki will see the lovely local hearts of tourists, is still a question without a clear answer. The sanatorium while holidaymakers are prepared to meet and to lock the gate behind them, pre-treating coming from the wheels of their cars to the palms and heels.
Those who with their parks, pump rooms and swimming pools, on-site application already taking. Not hundreds, as I used to. But two or three dozen — have hope for the salvation of the season. Another is to work in the clinics. There are those whose destiny is to become Observatory. This means that the power is in the room next to sanitizer — margin disposable devices for 14 days. There are no carpets and the Wallpaper and the furniture sent to the warehouse.
that does not take away from the Caucasian Mineral Waters any disasters, and mineral water. The miracle of nature is bottled with Imperial times. And the Soviet Union “Essentuki №17” and “Narzan” made property of the Republic.
the Current attack rules of the organization of production has changed little. To the robes, which are always mandatory, and sanitation has only added to the mask. While here in the precious water and already tried not to breathe.
the Famous Narzan gallery Kislovodsk. A work of art, where I can see from here. Ideal if from the height of bird flight. Only flying over its rooftops, you can see the key with keyhole. Brilliant idea of the founder.
the First three hundred bottles of mineral water in Nikolaev for the Admiral Lazarev was sent by order of the Caucasian Viceroy Vorontsov in 1848. He has been invited for the construction of the galleries of the British architect of Upton and then wrote to the Emperor that Mineral Water and everything there is, inside the earth, give great hope for the future.
Healing water here, literally under our feet. Its not to keep any pipes or overhead. And, breaking to the surface, it sometimes creates hospitals, where needs neither help nor directions from the doctors.
Natural bath Pyatigorsk. Heiress soldier, wherewas lecheval wounds and two centuries ago. Created by the water, they from the officials received the unflattering nickname of “shameless” Joint bathing of men and women too much swayed by those moral principles.
From the “shameless” tubs on the slope of Mashuk authorities fought hundreds of years ago. In the early nineteenth century the Management of waters under the pretext of fighting for morality repeatedly bombarded with the illegal the hospital.
Nature cures for centuries. Their air, water, and even mud, the healing properties which have proven another 110 years ago. And in the USSR, the mud became so popular that requests resorts demanded huge stores. One of them built in Zheleznovodsk in 1971, then became the largest in Europe. Since the Union was never built.
Here the mud in conditions as close to natural, stored, enriched, “Mature”, as experts say. Three thousand tons that is able to accommodate the vault — the memory of Soviet resort boom. Such amounts are not needed. But the dirt could wait.
Zheleznovodsk Central fountain on the top of the cascade steps turned on. Painted by the rays of the jet fall into three huge bovenzi, then, coming through the spouts, is a familiar to every literate visitors process — the only way it should drink mineral water, not from a glass.
new resort life do not scare too. The length of the green path is such that social distance can not think. Even when fully loaded, not every time you meet someone for the rotation.
“the Rules of isolation — this is more for big cities, big cities where a lot of people, but here, in the woods, where the person is alone, there is no virus,” — said Evgeny Moiseev, the head of Zheleznovodsk.
still drawing from the balconies, boulevards, and mountains, the artists are expected not so many buyers, how much of the atmosphere of the bustling resort. Looks like the fly — to take the rap for loss of spring. Aviator Vitaly Nenashev aboutsrabatyvaet air travel booked in April. To lift the ball over the Caucasus, he now can only hinder a hurricane.
From a height of fifteen thousand metres it is seen how densely located in a relatively small area of the city-the pearl of Caucasian Mineral Waters. Right below us — Zheleznovodsk. A little further away — Pyatigorsk and Yessentuki. 30 kilometers — Kislovodsk. Inexhaustible strategic reserve of the country, where healing is not only air and water. It cures even the contemplation of these mountains, which from the earth, from the clouds.
Text: “News of the week”