in a short time In the capital finally earn the fitness clubs. Development Director at X-Fit in Russia Irina Troska said channel “Russia 24”, as the pandemic has an impact on their network and what changes will occur.

the example of Kazan, where for a week a fitness centre, the specialist said that after the lifting of restrictions they did not notice a sharp decline in attendance. According to her, men on the contrary missed activity and exercise. The clubs observe precautions recommended by the CPS.

Irina Troska noticed that this changed some of the terms and conditions of work. For example, now people need to pre-register at the fitness center, to avoid the overcrowding of the halls. Also, in the premises located all markings and there are means of disinfection. The specialist noted that such measures allow them to ensure visitors safety.

Many are also concerned with the question of whether in the fitness centers wearing the mask. Irina Troska noted that the CPS has no relevant recommendations, since some physical activities wearing of masks at all can be dangerous. The club employees shall wear protective equipment.

development Director at X-Fit in Russia said that the fitness industry has suffered huge losses during the pandemic. Irina Troska believes that now people will have less money to invest in additional services offered by sport clubs. For example, will reduce the number of personal training sessions.

Recall that in the capital from June 23 to open the fitness centres. Moreover, social distance and masono-glove mode is stored.