Began preparations for repair of the bridge over the river Kostroma. Today the city came to the first group of people and technology. The competition for production work has won Yaroslavl company “Anormal”.
As the press service of the city hall, workers began organizing the camp, which is located on the right Bank of the river. Running water and roll the soil, installation of fencing, electricity. The town should be built before the end of January. And in February, while it’s cold outside, start the road to dismantle the old asphalt coating. With the beginning of the warm season – will make the basic work.
All repairs will be completed within 2 years, soobaet “News Kostroma”. Alternately be closed to traffic lanes on the bridge and in the lower part of the building. The total cost of capital repair of the object will amount to 487 million roubles. Work will be carried out in the framework of the national project “Safe and high quality roads”. Funds from the Federal budget for the renovation was raised through the participation of regional authorities.
Text: GTRK “Kostroma”