Their professional holiday today celebrate the guards. 102 years ago in the RSFSR established the border guard. At any time, under any circumstances, even in the face of the epidemic of the coronavirus task of these troops is to protect the border.

Omsk oblast in nine districts bordering with Kazakhstan for about a thousand kilometers. In the region four car checkpoint: Russko-Polyanskiy, Odessa, Isilkulsky and Cherlak. In the last two open also train CAT. Patrol boats controlled by the river land in Cerlak. Well, the biggest checkpoint – Omsk airport named Karbysheva, reminds GTRK “Irtysh”.

of Course, the program of events in honor of Day of the frontier guard in this year will be changed because of the epidemic COVID-19. Part of the festivities cancelled, for example, the annual Patriotic action “Combat crew”. In any case, will be the laying of flowers. Special occasion — the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war.

last year, the border in the Omsk region was crossed by more than two and a half million people. In recent years, the situation has seriously changed. Because of the epidemic coronavirus infection the flow of people is greatly reduced. But the guards will never be without work.

Text: GTRK “Irtysh”