the Kostroma regional court issued today a sentence to the pedophile-the recidivist. For corruption first-graders he will go to a colony of special regime for 15 years.

According to the investigation, the crime was committed in August last year. 63-Latini man lured two 7-year-old girls to a secluded place. Taking advantage of their defenseless position, he committed illegal sexual activities, including demonstrating their bodies.

As informs GTRK “Kostroma”, the frightened children told their parents about the incident. They immediately called the police. A pedophile quickly detained, criminal case. In the regional Investigative Committee reported that the suspect was already serving a sentence for a similar crime. Despite the fact that the accused pleaded not guilty, evidence was enough to send him over the next 15 years in a penal colony.

Text: GTRK “Kostroma”