Three of incendiary room three different ways, competition in real-time and in the end — the announcement of the winners. May 24 on the TV channel “Russia 1” — the Grand final Grand show “Dancing with the stars.” What will be remembered this season for spectators and participants? What moments of the competition remained behind the scenes? And as I recall the show, those who were first?
In the finale of the 11th season of the grandiose project “dancing with the stars” participants not only “ignite” on the floor, but will fly under the dome film studios, and then 20 meters, — risking and dancing. For the victory will fight the strongest.
star of film, theatre and television, may 24, will amaze the audience with incredible artistry? Who will get the crystal discoer the winner of the project and the recognition of the jury?
“They embarked on such a slippery floor! And having to do lots of efforts to comply with their professional partners”, — says member of the jury of the contest “dancing with the stars”, people’s artist of Russia Nikolai Tsiskaridze.
“As we know, never on “dancing with the stars” won the star-men. Maybe this year for the first time in the history of “Dancing with the stars” in Russia it will happen!” says another jury member Daria Zlatopolskaya.
But it turned puts… women’s final.
“In the final battle should be like in “Game of thrones” between two women: Daria Moroz or Katya Barnabas,” predicts Malakhov.
On the question, what are your plans for the final, Ekaterina Barnabas replies, “to Win! “
they will not Have time even to breathe. Danced, dressed, and again on the floor! For the finale, each couple preparing for three three graceful music-theatrical miniatures. You need to dance perfectly, the air does not forgive errors!
“Genia, thank you very much, because I’m such a sour, shy, sarcastic, would not come to the second or third round,” thanks partner contestant Maria Poroshina.
“Well, stop it! — hugging a woman, says a partner. And mutually I would say that if it wasn’t for you, then I’m so temperamental, emotional, before the second round would not be reached”.
the Stars have intermarried with their dance teachers, and from morning till evening rehearsing for the final numbers.
“No matter, professional or not, worried all the same. And I still double for Artem!” — worried about Artyom Tkachenko Valery Semenov.
“I triple myself!” jokes Artem.
Tears of joy, a storm of emotions. The finale of “Dancing with the stars” — is something incredible, says Maria Sittel, the winner of the first season of the famous show.
“It’s a long time, it’s like in prostration, as in weightless space, I don’t remember those moments. I don’t even remember how we won. Like, how we won? And then, well, just fun! — says Maria Sittel.
to Survive along with your favorite artists the most exciting moment of the show and support their favorites in the finals will each viewer. Don’t miss the brilliant season finale of “Dancing with the stars” tomorrow at 17:20 only on TV channel “Russia”.