Parents of students one of the elite schools of Yaroslavl, where in-depth teaching of foreign languages in outrage. Their children, passing in sixth grade, was given the task to read in the original, in English, the story of Oscar Wilde’s “the Fisherman and his soul”.

the Shock of some parents was the fact that in the introduction summarizes the biography of the writer. In it, in particular, referred to the fact that Wilde in his lifetime was accused of sexual orientation (which in those days was considered a crime). The writer tried to dispute the charges, but the court lost and was sent to prison.

the Alarm sounded, the mother of one of pupils, when, in her words, got to the job of the child to the summer after fifth grade.

“Sit in shock!” she confessed to the local newspaper “How timely the child to tell about homosexuals? Perhaps I do not understand something in this world. And yet I am a supporter of what we need to give children information about the traditional relations”, – the woman speaks.

However, her outrage is not shared by all parents. Anything terrible in it do not see at school.

they point out that this is the reality, from which no escape. Moreover, this very tale the teacher took from the list of recommended literature, moreover it is perfect for practicing skills in the English language.

The same parents who are against references to homosexuality Wilde, the teachers suggested a way out: to cover a part of the text where it says about it, or just not read his biography and go straight to work.