In the United States, a growing number of victims of riots. After the news about the two dead from Chicago came reports of the death of two girls from gunshot wounds in Iowa. The sister of one of the victims confirmed that was shot in the back, “someone from the crowd”. To hide from the bullets of the President of the United States national guard decided behind a high fence, in the conditions of a curfew in the literal sense of increasing the security of the White house.
Author: Denis Davydov
face to Face — police and protesters. At the White house shouted to plenty of them this time will not give. Twenty minutes before the start of the curfew the security forces go on the offensive.
trump demanded to be tougher with the crowd. All the President’s men, like a skating rink, the demolition of the protest. Without distinguishing who is who, a policeman beats a journalist with a camera. All the loose, choking from the gas, dodging bullets.
Black youth differently speaks on racism:
— It is taking decades and generations. No one knows what we feel. No COP knows this.
In the capital strapped thousands of security forces from five neighboring States. In the cordon, even the guards and the DEA. For what raids and so much gas it becomes clear when trump comes out of the White house — he cleared the road. The President toured the Park, where rioted for three days and was at the Church, which the day before tried to burn. With the Bible and enjoy it for a few minutes posed in front of cameras.
the tramp, as the papers say, insulted that all learned how he and his family were hiding from the protests in the bunker of the White house. More and predecessor, Obama can not seem to reconcile with the prefix “ex -” and, breaking all presidential tradition, criticizes and instructs the changer — trashed trump for a way out of the Iranian deal, commented on the Ukrainian scandal, with coronavirus trump not fighting, well, the protesters are not so responsible.
trump fight on Twitter, it seems, tired and addressed the nation. He called himself President of law and order:
“We will not allow peaceful protests drowned out by an angry mob. Our country captured by professional anarchists, robbers, criminals, “anti-fascists”. If the city or state refuses to take action necessary to protect the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the U.S. Armed forces and quickly solve the problem for them.”
And now, over a capital military helicopters. The capital is in turmoil the fourth day. The night the protesters left the attorney General William Barr, turned to him and General mark Milly, the Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. The power of persuasion seem to have worked. Smashing a few Windows, the tired rebels dispersed. In Washington once again impose a curfew.
Author: Valentin Bogdanov
a Curfew imposed in 40 cities of America, but by nightfall, the peaceful protests turn into riots again. To cope with them, the police can’t. In new York victims of brazen looters become the police themselves — seven of the affected officers only for the last day.
the Physical presence of guards in the place of the robbers does not stop. They are up to the last, and then run from the police race, for the most part teenagers or young people. It is clear, on whose side there is the advantage of speed. Detained 250 people, but it’s a drop in the ocean. The rioters more at times, and maybe on the order. Residents are organized into self-defense units.
increasingly, as a weapon used vehicles. For example, Buffalo police and military dogs to disperse the crowd, having truncheons. They stood in the chain at full speed it rammed the SUV. From a shell on wheels dodged all but two of the guardians of the law. Both are in critical condition.
In the largest city of Illinois, lit bridges, to cut off the marauders from the center.
Protest in Chicago not at peace. The crowd throws the police firecrackers. Already beretsI for firearms.
In Las Vegas first blood was shed. Unknown shot a policeman and agent of the U.S. marshals service. Both killed. Shot at the police in Missouri. In St. Louis injured four officers. Write that the injuries are not life threatening. Three hit his feet. Another in the arm.
Flies in the other direction. Fortunately, the police uses only rubber bullets, but they can hurt. Marauders feel at ease — they did not catch up. But in handcuffs chained black store owners who came out to protect their property.
Bravely stood and defenders of the “Pushkin” restaurant in California San Diego. The owner Hayk Ghazaryan had called friends, those caught up with pistols and rifles. In social networks now, not without delight write that “the Russian mafia” gathered strength.
Guns in California has many. In Sacramento under the gun shop owner was a black burglar. In Arkansas people easier — peacefully knelt down, and the police still fired smoke bombs.
do Not stand on ceremony with the press. Increasingly, victims of rigid actions of police become journalists. In Philadelphia reporter was just doing his job — and shot four police officers detained an African American.
Someone as the photographer Linda Tirado as a result of these collisions almost lost profession. Brave woman, mother of two, knocked out the left eye. Linda is going to continue. In the viewfinder it looks right eye. It all happened during the protests in Minneapolis. The sparks from the fires there had spread throughout America.
Some scour graffiti other clean. Robert Nubers, of course, voluntary and free of charge drove two truck. Now he, along with all of America is wondering who did all of this. Whoever this invisible yet a Director, he came prepared statement. Props were brought in advance. Surprised even the participants themselves at theGromov. In new York and Dallas, Kansas and North Carolina they came across neatly stacked bricks or paving slabs.
it looks Like the organizers were just waiting for when something like this happens. In Minneapolis or not is not important. Police brutality against blacks in America — the usual thing. The law enforcement system almost always takes the side of the patrol, but in the case of George Floyd will not happen. Now officially confirmed — Floyd died from cardiac arrest and breathing. It really strangled. Already set the date of the funeral. Farewell to George Floyd in his hometown of Houston on June 9. The ceremony will pay famous boxer Floyd Mayweather. He personally spoke with the victim’s family, they accepted the offer of assistance.