the Total number of identified cases of infection with coronavirus COVID-19 in Russia reached 528 964, according to oberstab. During the day, contracted a new infection 8 835 people. The daily growth amounted to 1.7%.
Died 119 people (from the beginning of the pandemic – 6 948 people). Thus, the total number of deaths is 1.3% of all people infected with coronavirus in Russia. Recovered and discharged from hospitals more than 280 thousand cases. The number increased by 5 409.
still the highest number of new cases of infection detected in Moscow – 1 477. During the day, 50 cases died, more than 2 thousand are discharged from clinics. Record the number of infected was recorded in the suburbs: in recent days the diagnosis is confirmed at 717 people.
the prevalence of coronavirus in Russia rose by 0.03 and 1.01. It is a measure of how the average person manages to infect one infected person to his isolation. Depending on these values, the region can soften or tighten restrictive measures. For example, in Moscow, visiting cinemas and other public places can allow in July. In Moscow, the coefficient rose to 0.91. Among the regions with the highest number of cases ratio below one is held in Moscow (0,97), St. Petersburg (0,84) and Dagestan (0,88).