In mini-hotels and boarding houses of Crimea booked until September 2020, about 70 percent of the rooms. Prices for accommodation in them remain at the level of 2018-2019, told TASS the Chairman of the Association of small hotels of Crimea (I ASMAC) Natalia Stambolieva.

According to her, the main flow of tourists from other regions in the Peninsula is traditionally expected in July-August. Waiting there and tourists from abroad: as soon as the call date for the opening of the Crimea for tourists, the demand will increase, sure the head was ASMAC.

the upward Trend in prices to stay in 150 hotels and resorts, members of the Association, Stambolieva this year sees. According to the ongoing monitoring apply rates 2019, and in some places, and 2018.

hotel Owners make additional purchase of necessary protective equipment in accordance with the requirements of the CPS: recirculators, masks, personal hygiene. Are antibacterial gels, wipes and even quartz lamps, although the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor no.

the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov was informed that since June 15 hotels and resorts in the region will allow the accommodation of the inhabitants of the Peninsula in compliance with the requirements of the CPS. Opening of the interregional tourism is the prerogative of the Federal authorities.

According to the head of the Republican Committee for tourism, resorts and sports Alexey Chernyak, the reopening of the industry for the Crimean tourists will provide an opportunity to establish a mechanism of reception of tourists in the preservation of the danger of the spread of coronavirus COVID-19. According to the recent recommendations of the Commission on the work of the sanatorium-resort establishments in these circumstances, vacationers are recommended to settle on one, give them lunch in the room and monitor the test results of the staff and guests at the new coronavirus infection. Also required regular disinfection. Crimean authorities requirements consider impossible and has asked the government to exclude them from the recommendations of the CPSand.

According to Alexey Chernyak, during the week Crimean authorities will know what hotels and resorts have implemented anti-epidemic requirements and, therefore, will open and which aren’t. From domestic tourism can win small accommodation facilities, he said, stressing: “our Main Turist is located outside of the Crimean Peninsula”.

Domestic tourism will not save the industry as such, but will give an opportunity to practice all steps and requirements of the CPS, said Natalia Stambolieva. For the summer season in the Crimea is waiting for tourists from other regions of the country.

From June 15, in the Crimea it is planned the next stage of lifting the restrictions imposed because of the pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Remain closed sports halls, fitness clubs, baths, saunas, indoor pools, hotels and spas.

However, from the 1st of June on the Peninsula will allow sports and outdoor adventure for all, although the Crimean residents older than 65 years is recommended to refrain from strenuous walks and mindful about the risks.