the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation supported the idea of establishing the Institute of private bailiffs. It is expected that they will work with legal entities, and the Federal bailiff service will continue to engage in debt collection in favor of state bodies. This was reported in “Review of budget expenditures on the implementation of the functions and powers of the Federal service of court bailiffs”, which is published on a single portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation.

As noted, the private bailiffs in the first phase will deal with the collection of debts in favor of legal entities. Gradual implementation of the new system will be conducted to improve the effectiveness of the system of compulsory execution as well as optimization of expenditures of the Federal budget.

Collector organization Institute of private investigation cited as a successful example of integration of private enforcement in the state system. But these systems have not received due development in Russia, they have insufficient budgets and do not increase the effectiveness of the system of enforcement.

the System of court bailiffs in the Russian Federation – the state system of compulsory enforcement, working only at the expense of the Federal budget. In foreign countries there are three systems: public, private (the bailiff is a free professional) and mixed. Earlier, the Ministry of justice of Russia has suggested that when collections use robots-collector, reminds