on may 24, we celebrate the Day of Slavic writing and culture, which not by chance coincides with the Day of saints equal to the apostles Cyril and Methodius — creators of Slavic alphabet.

the divine Liturgy on the day of memory of saints Cyril and Methodius, Patriarch Kirill served on may 24 at the St. Alexander Nevsky Hermitage near Peredelkino.

“It is with writing that Salonika brothers produced and entered into a life that was based on the texts, it begins with this written cultural tradition of the Slavic peoples. They were our Slavic apostles. The coup is the main thing that happened in the life of the Slavic peoples through the missionary service of the Holy brothers from Salonika,” said the head of the ROC.

In plain ashlar walls of the monastery — the festive image of the virgin and saints in metallic robes. The Russian Church today is a very important day — the name day of her Primate.

His name day — that is the Church’s birthday Patriarch Kirill celebrates a very important day not only for national but also of the whole Slavic history — the day of memory of STS Cyril and Methodius, became the Day of Slavic writing and culture.

the Ministry of Cyril and Methodius for the Slavic peoples was not easy. For future generations it has become an example of heroism and humility, which are required from millions of clergy and laity, especially in the current difficult days of coronavirus infection.

the Novospassky monastery in Moscow became one of the centers of assistance to older and sick people during the epidemic. Across the country, the Church has deployed more than 100 volunteer services. Seven thousand Church volunteers come daily to help.

In the Crimea, Orthodox priests prepare and deliver hot meals to emergency physicians. And in the Altai diocese were able to attract the business of the region to large-scale assistance to the needy people who find themselves in forced isolation.

Of the 96 hotlines, open days of the pandemic Russian The Church, one that operates in the Metropolitan hospital of St. Alexis, one of the most important. It is for all volunteers, decided to take the plasma rich in antibodies to the coronavirus.

Coronavirus — speak in the Russian Church — is a test of love of neighbor, a test of faith and loyalty to the Church.

In the main Cathedral of the country, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior Patriarch Kirill prays his prayer for deliverance from coronavirus infection and the joyful anticipation of the already not so distant day, when the doors of the temples will be reopened for parishioners.

Text: “News of the week”