Russian President Vladimir Putin will address today with the annual Message to the Federal Assembly. While politicians and experts speculate about topics that will affect the head of state, recall some of the figures and the real facts.

President’s address to both houses of Parliament provided for the 84-th article of the Russian Constitution. The event will be held in the Central exhibition hall “Manege”. It is expected about 1,300 invited are members of the Federation Council, State Duma deputies, government members, heads of the constitutional and Supreme courts, governors, chairmen of legislative assemblies of subjects of Federation, heads of traditional faiths, public figures, including heads of civic chambers of regions and the heads of major media.

the live broadcast will be to TV channel “Russia 24” and other TV channels. The activists of the popular front to organize viewings of the Message across the country — in libraries, universities, cinemas, stadiums, MFC, museums, houses of trade unions, hospitals, emergency stations, taxi’s, subways and airports. Moreover, the look of Vladimir Putin and in space. The broadcast will be on Board the International space station.

what will say in his speech, the President? Politicians and experts expect that special attention will be paid to improving the quality of life in the country, poverty, population and the fight against corruption. Most experts agree that this year’s Message this year will focus mainly on domestic issues. However, of course, no question of the world order will not do. Especially on the eve of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war. It is expected that Vladimir Putin will address the topic of sanctions and the current challenges, as well as relations with immediate neighbors — Belarus and Ukraine. It is also expected that considerable attention is the Russian leader will pay a national Park.particular projects will sum up the results of their implementation in 2019.

13 national projects must ensure (and this was highlighted) breakthrough as a scientific-technological and socio-economic by 2024. National projects affecting all important areas: health, culture, education. Separate programs aimed at development of infrastructure and Russian roads. The main objective is to improve the standard of living of Russians. There is a national project ecology, which seeks to save from pollution of the Volga river and lake Baikal. The demography project aimed to help families and children and support the older generation. Implementation of all projects is estimated at 26 billion rubles, of which more than 13 trillion — this is money from the Federal budget. The curators are the Vice-premiers, and the heads of the Ministers.

In 2019, the Message lasted 87 minutes. The President began with the support of families is the increase in allowances, assistance to families who have children with disabilities, reducing the tax burden and mortgage rates. Another important theme was the fight against poverty. It was about a social contract, mortgage holidays and the indexation of pensions. The President also touched on the topic of health: focused on the question of the work of the clinics, and instructed for 2 years to build another 1.5 thousand mobile dispensaries. The President also spoke about the program “Zemsky doctor” about palliative care. After that Vladimir Putin has shifted to the environment, namely to the problem of recycling. The President ordered to close the troubled landfill in two years 30 landfills within the city limits. The head of state drew attention to the problems in education. For example, the President instructed to 2021 to provide all schools with high-speed Internet. The Russian leader has not avoided the topic of business. He drew attention to the work of the regulatory bodies. Proposed to create a special digital platform that entrepreneurs could talk about the pressure on the business. More the President talked about the digitization and international politics, mentioned Belarus and China. The President also announced new weapons — this is the first sub-carrier “Poseidon” hypersonic missile “Zircon”.

In General, the task was put many. Which ones made? First of all, in Russia there is a “mortgage holiday”. Now the people who have found themselves in difficult life circumstances, for six months to suspend payments on the loan. Also adopted a law that reduces the tax burden on families by the principle “more children, less taxes.” Families freed from taxes on land area of 6 acres. In addition, they received benefits for property taxes. If the family, for example, three child, you are not taxed 35 meters square apartment, and not 20 meters, as it was before. Families with two or more children can take preferential mortgage at 6 per cent per annum. Another law allowed families with incomes up to two minimum subsistence levels to obtain additional payments. Also, now a large family, where was born the third and subsequent child can get 450 thousand rubles to pay off the mortgage — that’s a plus to the camera that is larger than 460 thousand. It turns out almost one million.

with regard to palliative care, then passed a law that allows sick patients to spend the last days without pain not only in the hospital but at home with family. Also removed age restrictions from the program “Zemsky doctor.” All the doctors who move to the countryside now receive 1 million rubles, paramedics, 500 thousand. As of January 2020 launched the project “rural teacher.” Teachers also pay a million.

on the Eve of the state Duma at the first meeting of the spring session summed up the results of the legislative support of the implementation of the message 2019.

“the Plan of legislative support of implementation of the previous Message be only 81%. Dear colleagues, we must recognize that in the remaining 19% of unresolved problems of people. We need to set the task of execution of the Message at 100%, then we can come out and say: Yes, we did everything in order to clear tasks set by the President”, — said Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the state Duma of the Russian Federation.

In this year to the format of the President’s address with a Message to the parliamentarians turns 26. This practice was introduced by Boris Yeltsin. He addressed the Parliament six times, the first time on February 24, 1994. Dmitry Medvedev had spoken four times. Vladimir Putin has addressed to Federal meeting 15 times. By the way, before 2003, almost all of the letters had their own names. In 1998, for example, the President’s Message was called “General forces — the rise of Russia”, in 2000 “What Russia we build”, in 2001 — “will Not be neither revolutions nor counter-revolutions”.

In 2018, Mr Putin’s Message was the longest in history. The President spoke for nearly two hours is 115 minutes. The previous record belonged to the speech of Medvedev in 2009, when he was President. Then he played 1 hour and 40 minutes. The short message also Putin in 2004, the head of state said 47 minutes. By the way, one year later — in 2005 — the message was slightly longer — about 48 minutes. If you take the arithmetic mean, Vladimir Putin’s speech is 1 hour and 1 minute.

the Message traditionally is a genuine interest among journalists. Every year there are more. This time, for example, accredited journalists were 885, in 2019 there were a hundred less — 761 journalist. In 2018, the accreditation was granted 705 members of the press. Together with the Federal TV channels covering the event and regions. There are also foreign correspondents. For example, the journalists of Bloomberg, Xinhua, Associated Press and media giant such as NBC News and CNN.