the city bought the company that was going to turn the old mansion Bulochnikova in the center of Moscow in a luxury apart-hotel. Merchant’s house in Bolshaya Nikitskaya long been the object of an irreconcilable dispute between a developer and local residents.

a year after the beginning of the struggle for the preservation of the house of the merchant Bulochnikova local activists can celebrate. Historic building 500 metres from the Kremlin, which was threatened with demolition, according to media reports, purchased together with the firm that owns the units of the Department of property of Moscow.

“I Want to believe that form in order for this project to be cancelled. — That is, it is still not repealed, or what? — Well, the project itself has not been announced that there will be reconstruction,” — said Konstantin Mikhailov, macquoid, architectural historian.

the Builder was going to push through public hearings on-site erection of the elegant merchant’s mansion of the XIX century in style of classicism — apart-hotel.

“there is a gang — this is my personal point of view”, — said Mikhail Shirvindt, actor and broadcaster.

the Activists were saved from the barbaric construction one of the most beautiful streets of the capital — Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

“Technically, the house had to carry, and I had to make a completely different shelf. We this street. of course. do not know. That is, we used our eyes to read each element of this remarkable monument, and the street I’m on another call, can not” — said Boris Uborevich-Borovsky, architect.

“the Historical and urban heritage is in the most literal sense, national resource unlike gas, oil, timber and other natural resources under certain conditions can be eternal. You try even a little finger to touch in Italy at least some brick or even to some old doors!” – told Nikita Shangin, honorary architect of Russia, Professor of Moscow Institute of architecture.

in addition, recently, in 1995in the house of the merchant Bulochnikova has been completely restored, but it somehow disappeared from the documents.

“absolutely Obvious was the forgery, counted officially house 1995 construction. Actually, this house of the NINETEENTH century”, — Shangin said.

“He is worthy to become памятником7 — I think. Yes. — On what parameters? — By the fact that he retained, although the wording of the late NINETEENTH century, its facade, an architectural system”, — said Konstantinov.
By order of the mayor of Moscow Sobyanin said the reconstruction project was sent for re-examination.

pending the decision of his fate Bulochnikova house appears empty. Here is then — luxury apartments, offices or apartments — is still unknown.

In the days of my youth behind this door is the famous dumpling on Herzen, as it was called Bolshaya Nikitskaya street.

the Application for the allotment of house Bulochnikova security status of a monument of architecture is under consideration in the Department of cultural heritage.