a criminal case on the fact of kidnapping of the teenager in the Moscow region. RIA Novosti clarifies, citing an unnamed source, that we are talking about the son of a Moscow lawyer Konstantin Skrypnik.
Earlier it was reported that near Noginsk were found kidnapped son of a lawyer Skrypnyk with their hands tied. The young man said that he had spent a few hours in some basement in handcuffs, and brought him here by car. The boy disappeared, having gone for a walk from his home in Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. After that, the phone parents began to receive SMS-messages with threats.
Skrypnik told TASS that the kidnapping of his son is connected with investigation of criminal case concerning a gang of Aslan Gagieva. Skrypnik passes on business as the witness. According to him, the attackers quickly get information about what is happening in the investigation of the case and trying to make a “pre-emptive action” in the form of abduction, hoping thereby to exert pressure on witnesses. Now Skrypnik intends to seek the inclusion of his family in the program for witness protection in connection with real threat to their lives.
the Gang Gagieva occurred in 2004 in North Ossetia. Criminals engaged assassinations. The victims were the mayor of Vladikavkaz Vitaly Karaev, the owner of the Bank “national capital” Dmitry Plitnick, unofficial owner of the Bank “kredittrast” Alexander Slesarev and Chairman of the Bank “Kutuzovskaya” Oleg Novoselsky., head of Department for combating organized crime of the interior Ministry of North Ossetia mark metsaev, the major of militia Ilya Kasradze, Director of the criminal investigation Department of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Republic Vitaly Cheldiev and his son – in total, the investigators established the involvement of the gang to 80 murders.