Among the dozens of institutes and laboratories, which are now actively working to create an effective means of COVID-19 – 48-th research Institute of the Ministry of defense, the flagship in the study of deadly viruses. The VGTRK correspondent Arkady Mamontov managed to get into a special laboratory and see those who depend on the salvation of man from new infection.

the 48th Institute of the Ministry of defence. Here there are works, that is, from lowest to highest. The vaccine experience first in mice, then hamsters, and so it came to these primates. This is a Javanese macaque, also called the laboratory a copy of the man. Why? Because her pulmonary system is very similar to human.

In conditions of severe epidemic control military microbiologists are testing a vaccine against coronavirus.

– we Have the second species of animal are hamsters, and the hamsters they fully reproduce, as in humans, the so-called bright light, frosted glass, — says Sergey Borisevich, head of the 48th Central research Institute of the defense Ministry.

And in hamsters with viral pneumonia appears exactly the same as for humans?

– Yes. Abroad still use the term “self-limiting infection,” that is, she kind of limits the surface of the lung, damaging it.

48th research Institute of the Ministry of defense is a leader in the study of different kinds of fatal infections. It was here a few years ago created a vaccine against Ebola and the deadly virus SARS.

– Tell me, why do monkeys need? Why you ordered them in Sochi?

– Always in the development of vaccines try to use the most adequate in relation to the person model, calling or showing an infectious process, as in humans, or pathological process of organs and systems, including humans, — said Sergey Borisevich.

Sochi. Here is the Russian research Institute of medical Primetologii. About 7 thousand monkeys live in a guarded area. Them there are 21 species, including subspecies. The monkeys had their own hierarchy and family is very strong, so test choose animals that are typically not caught in the pack.

Today, in a pandemic the main area of research is the preparation of a universal vaccine against coronavirus. And tests on primates here play a huge role.

– compared even with the SARS pathogen is easier to reproduce in the lungs, — said Sergey Borisevich.

– It is highly contagious?

– We call it differently — sticky and volatile.

-That is, he clings to the man?

Not so. He has not only aerogenic way of infection, but fecal-oral. And that’s why someone with more severe form of ill, and someone – a mild form.

– Aerogenic form what happens?

– When the person to person transmitted.

-When talking to people?

-Yes. Not accidentally, the masks we wear.

-an Invaluable experience in the fight against the epidemic was received by the staff of the Institute during business trips to Italy and Serbia, where raged the coronavirus.

Our military microbiologists processed per day 180 tests for detection of coronavirus. People came to a special item, they took the analysis tested, and it was obvious it hurts or not.

what’s more the peculiarity of this military test system? We can talk about this for the first time from the TV screen. It is dry. This means that it can be used in different conditions: in the jungles of Africa, and in the Arctic. It is essential to maintain a temperature of about plus 4 degrees.

we said our microbiologists? They carried out analysis in one country. As the military is always a little hide, where, nevertheless, we believe them. So out of 300 samples 300 was accurate. That is, it’s almost 100 percent test, which is available in our the Russian army.