Author: Alexander Khristenko

Moscow city. IQ-quarter. The brain of the government, where he developed emergency measures to mitigate the impact of coronavirus, and now recovery scenarios. From the three ministries in one building, which was called the “tower of the Ministry.”

Economy, the government is engaged in with a vengeance. Not a trivial task: on the one hand, I need an ambulance business, on the other, it is necessary to lay the foundations for rapid and sustainable growth in postcoronary era.

the signs of this here. Input — required measurement temperature, you can only enter in the mask. The Ministry of economic development — as everything everywhere, without exception. And on the 40th floor of the Minister Maxim Reshetnikov, the whole picture of what is happening in the economy. In the statistics, and most clearly.

to support the economic pulse of life, one prescription there. Has launched a package of emergency measures of assistance. Direct financial support industries, deferred payment loan for the payment of staff salaries at 0%. And immediately, without delay presented the next stage of support and business, and citizens.

“the New credit program by 2%, but with a charge. In that case, if the business by March 1 next year will retain jobs for at least 90%, then the entire loan will be written off, but if 80 to 90, half. This is a new program we are launching,” — said Maxim Reshetnikov.

Ministers have isolated themselves in their offices. All of the meeting online. Day — 6-7 HQs — so called for short meetings via video conferencing. Here and during interviews already collected by participants of the next selector. Reshetnikov puts aside the mobile and immediately connect a portable charger, otherwise with such intensity until noon did not last long.

when the Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, VEB, Sberbank. At this point, the state Duma voted for a major bill from a package of support measures. Onn allows small and medium businesses, whose revenues due to the coronavirus fell by more than 50% ahead of schedule and without penalties to terminate the lease. The law was prepared together with the government.

“to the decision passed, it is necessary that the paper went through certain procedures. Previously, it was given months now the government established a rule that all these papers must pass within one day. And do the same. In fact, it turns out that for this day all these issues are resolved, requiring months and years. Another degree of efficiency,” said Andrey Makarov, Chairman of the Duma Committee on budget and taxes.

And innovative approaches. So to implement support measures involved, even the Tax office, the one who always collected the money, now gives them, for example, self-employed citizens. Tax refund for all of last year.

“It’s not just taxes. If we look to families with children, it is also done on the infrastructure of the so-called EIS-ZAGS. This accounting system, which was built in us, through which you can quickly identify who needs to pay. A person can easily go not to bring a bunch of documents, and automated its information is processed, he will be sent a help,” said Daniel Egorov, head of the FTS.

the Russian FTS and high — tech inseparable. Meeting with all regions via video has become a common practice for the Agency long before the pandemic. And the internal analytical system allows you to see all of the charges, such as those associated with the self-employed, BEP — tax prefdialog. What with the subsidies — the number of applications who submitted them, how many processed, all in real time.

impressed by the Speed and the taxpayers of the beneficiaries. For example, in the Rostov region, in the sanatorium and health complex “Mir”, where zanytoil medical rehabilitation of disabled children and adults.

“may 13, we filed the application for the grant, the 18th, the money was credited. And it all happened so easily, remotely accountant has applied through a personal account. For us it was a substantial amount because we have 118 employees, and we were given a subsidy for each”, — said the Director of the complex Svetlana Yatsuk.

And the companies that provided tax deferral, even to do nothing. In FNS have all counted. Technological advantages will show themselves in the future.

– There are some stories, such global scenarios. Those countries that are very seriously investing in the technology, online taxation, in remote communication with taxpayers, now, of course, will win. Because they even these channels are used now to help. Without these channels, they just physically couldn’t use — said Daniil Egorov.

– You mean Russia?

– Certainly.

While the Russian healthcare system in the world was perhaps not the most prepared to face the pandemic of this magnitude.

Author: Anna Semenova

Near the Cabinet of Minister of health we find ourselves only in the late evening, because the day a pandemic coronavirus — a loose concept, it can last up to three and then to four o’clock in the morning. And Monday begins on Saturday.

in General, for Mikhail Murashko night shifts is not news — he’s worked as a midwife in Syktyvkar, and then became a doctor. Now in Moscow that it is customary for the Minister, became the rule for all Ministry. Day shift is working at full strength.

“Day” is in name only. Change in situation center takes 12 hours to be in touch with each time zone. Here is collected information on equipment of hospitals, availability of medicines, available beds investigated. Organized by the center for a week.

“Perhaps you are a mAlenci secret to open. Sometimes we have the situation in the region see before they do. In a very short period of time to collect such amounts… And, we understand, to obtain qualitative data, you need to clearly build a system of their collection,” said Minister of health Michael Murashko.

So MoH online gets the real picture on the ground. And one more innovation — in the industry. The coronavirus was to advise the Federal intensive care Advisory centre. It was created in 5 days! The best doctors of Russia to help their colleagues from across the country. The patient can lie in a hospital in Tambov, and computed tomography will consider the doctor of medical Sciences in Moscow and will give their recommendations.

– What kind of response you get from doctors from the regions?

– Thanks. Because we are here to make it work. Because the decisions that they are afraid or can’t accept yourself, accept we are responsible for them, — said Mikhail Brovko, Deputy chief physician at the medical unit of the University clinical hospital №3 sechenovskiy University.

Now under the supervision — more than 2.5 thousand people, the most difficult patients in intensive care units across the country. Response to request — for a maximum period of two hours. Constant communication and the Minister.

– If you put the phone for half an hour, 70 sms and phone calls, says ant.

– have you ever slept on the job?

– now It’s personal. Morning still need to go home and change and freshen up.

Additional space in the hospitals, mass retraining of doctors of infectious diseases, large-scale testing. To ensure this, we need to act quickly.

“on the one hand, you need to make decisions so they work as efficiently as possible, on the other, in such a framework all the time is impossible to calculate. So you have to see, if something goes wrong. Don’t be shy, change, accept, adjust,” — said MOreshko.

And the situation with payments — example. Had to be coordinated with other agencies. In the first place with the Federal Treasury, which, incidentally, now also smells of antiseptics and at the entrance of the staff meets the nurse.

With the Department head Roman Artyukhin we go through the almost empty corridors. 85% of the employees on remote.

People began to work even harder?

– Yes, Probably. Because when you’re at home, why in the evening is not to make the payment?.. said Artyukhin.

the idea is that in April and may, when a lot of holidays in the banking system, therefore, the Treasury — lull. But not this time. It was difficult with payments to doctors. But now, according to Treasury, there are no regions that would not have received the money.

“And we are timely corrected. It said: dear comrades, dear colleagues, it is not a payment within the framework of labour relations. This is the payoff for the status. For the fact of work,” said Artyukhin.

On the interactive wall can track the entire route of the money from the Federal Fund to the accounting Department of any hospital in any region. In the future avoid any confusion, where is the money, the Treasury offers payments to presidential conduct separate statements.

Money for the next presidential payment providers have already been translated. And many regions have begun issuing them in may.

“We saw the possibility of a qualitative leap in General the whole system of public administration due to the fact that you can work in an automated manner, according to agreed formats and without shifting the paper from one system to another system through seamless integration,” said Roman Artyukhin.

hundreds of state services into electronic form transferred to the Ministry of digital development. The portal of public services — already one of the most visited public sites in the world — has reached a new level. Remotely through the portal were able to help dozens of thousands of Russians, who, due to coronavirus are stuck abroad without a livelihood. Payment of financial aid from the state, the formation of a list of export flights — everything was done online. It is also now possible to receive the maternity capital, which the President put on the first child. Do not go anywhere — digital certificate comes in to your personal account automatically. Becoming more convenient for citizens, the state apparatus is changing from the inside out.

“Everything contracted at the time just at times. Now from the decision to show it sometimes held a day or two. It could take months. The coordination of interagency and other. Now everything works very fast, everything is subordinated to the task of taking quick decisions, because the situation requires it,” — said Maksut Shadaev, Minister for digital development, communications, and mass communications.

the same speed of response from the government are waiting in the recovery period.

“the Goal is to get back on track to development, to growth. The tasks that we in this regard is solved, is first and foremost the growth of income and social support. This is our imperative”, Reshetnikov said.

By 1 June the government will present a national economic recovery plan.

Text: “News of the week”