Attack, fight and shooting in Moscow hotel “Academicheskaya”. In a hotel in the South-West of Moscow burst into the unknown, who, during the conflict with two guests fired several shots from a pistol. Two people are hospitalized from Kerch street with injuries.

the Police found at the scene a rubber bullet, reports “Interfax”. This gives reason to say that during disassembly the hotel used the traumatic weapon.

One participant of the conflict taken to the police station for further investigation.

January 22 shooting from trauma was at Ozernaya street in Moscow. Here there was a road conflict between the driver of the van and the men in the Ford. One of them shot the driver of the truck from a traumatic gun. Later Ford, which the shooter with the crime scene disappeared, was stopped on Kutuzovsky prospect to the proceedings. And one day before the businessman has refused to pay in a Moscow cafe for lunch and fired its staff of trauma.