From June 1 Russia will start to remove travel restrictions. Where can I go to rest, not risking their health — their own and their loved ones?

Starts the holiday season, slightly open the border. But to pack your bags and plan routes for overseas resorts yet. The risk of the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 remains high. The Russian government indicate that the probability of a second wave of the epidemic.

“Prerequisites for the restoration of the outbound tourist flow today, no. According to the UN, the number of countries that have imposed travel restrictions, has reached 100 percent. Of these, 83 percent support these restrictions more than 4 weeks. And who still believes the risk of a pandemic is high and did not give recommendations on lifting restrictions on international travel”, — commented Deputy Chairman of RF government Dmitry Chernyshenko.

Inbound rules remain rigid. All returnees from abroad will have to observe a 14-day quarantine. The task is to prevent the importation of new infections from abroad. In fact, many countries and even continents (e.g. Latin America and Africa) only go to the peak of the epidemic.

“Every day in the world record about 100 thousand new cases, and it is only those which are known. There are countries where testing is practically non-existent, and patients are definitely there. It is important to understand that even if you dare to leave, after returning to home country 2 weeks will have to be isolated at his own expense”, — said the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova.

Can be problems with the return, if the second wave of the pandemic other States to urgently close the border.

“a few days rest it is possible to pay a higher price. It is necessary to exclude even the slightest possibility of delivery of coronavirus in Russia. It is important to preserve health and not to endanger loved ones. And also to avoid difficulties with the repatriation problem faced by Rossiiscie tourists in the spring. Please consider this when planning travel. A better and safer place to spend your summer holiday in the country”, — stressed Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

For those who decide to relax on the territory of Russia, there is good news. Gradually the restrictions will be removed as of 1 June. Since the beginning of summer will resume the sanatorium with the medical license. Recommendations for all industry players in tourism and the CPS will prepare in the coming weeks. The main priority will be the safety of the travelers.

“These recommendations, on the one hand, should provide safe recreation for our citizens, but not to be excessive for the industry that the enterprise could begin its work. It is important to find a balance between the safety of people and to enable people to comfortably and safely rest. All the rest should remain a rest”, — says the head of the Federal tourism Agency of sarin doguzova.

Working on new destinations and types of holiday to suit every taste and budget. Will be consultations with the Ministry of transportation to expand the geography of flights within the country. White nights in Arkhangelsk and Murmansk oblast, Volga cruises, fishing on the lake and the beaches of Primorye. Now to the easing of quarantine measures ready 23 regions of Russia. The government would like to highlight the start of domestic tourism — the first step to the restoration of normal life and revival of the tourism industry of our country.