In Yalta 24-year-old girl has committed attempted murder of his uncle. The reason for this was the request of the late father, who allegedly visited the daughter in a dream.

according to the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Crimea, the duty of local law enforcement received a report of an ambulance. The Manager said that in one of apartments of the physicians found a man with multiple penetrating wounds of the abdomen.

the place of incident left the police. It turned out that the apartment inhabited by the couple, which is in charge of the niece. It turned out that the 24-year-old girl suffers from behavioral disorders.

law enforcement Officers found that the criminal used a kitchen knife and inflicted several blows in the stomach with his uncle. His action, the girl explained that in her sleep to her allegedly came to father and asked him to commit the murder of a relative.

the intruder gave a confession. She is currently hospitalized.

In fact the incident a criminal case. The girl faces up to ten years of imprisonment.