the Results of yesterday’s meeting of Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel the German press is actively discussing. So, Der Spiegel writes that for Berlin, the dialogue was extremely important, especially in light of the preparations for the international conference on Libya. Without Moscow’s help is not enough, the newspaper notes.
Journalists from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitun appreciated Merkel’s words that Russia and Germany share many common tasks. And that the Chancellor once again supported the “Nord stream – 2” contrary to the U.S. position.
“New harmony in hard times” — the headline of the article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. The authors write that the German and the Russian side pushed all the differences into the background.
And only Die Welt in your style criticized Angela Merkel for claiming she too listened carefully to Mr Putin. And reproached the Chancellor that it shared the position of the Russian leader, which are contrary to the views of the American authorities.