the head of the Ukrainian foreign Ministry said that the Iranian side has provided not only full information on the death of “Boeing”, but also access parts of the aircraft, including the black boxes, as well as records of negotiations of crew with dispatchers. Claims from Kiev to Tehran are no added Vadim pristayko, but I would like to establish an “international coalition” to investigate the incident with the airliner, and the flight recorders decoding in Ukraine.
the causes of the incident, the Minister said, too early to say, but it is unlikely it was a terrorist attack. According to preliminary data, 737-th changed course after he started to crash. Covers all versions of the crash, reports TASS. Pristayko said that photos and videos regarding the incident, require validation, and the whole situation — “reduce speculation”. If it is proved that the plane was destroyed Iranian missile Kiev will require Tehran’s compensation and punish the perpetrators.
in addition to Iran, the Ukrainian authorities are in contact with other countries. “The leaders call,” — said Pristayko, saying the number of sides of the canadian and British Prime Ministers, and the Afghan President.
When he got to return the bodies of the victims home, the Minister of foreign Affairs to predict not. They were delivered at different health facilities for identification through DNA tests.
January 8, “Boeing”, “Ukraine International airlines” crashed for unknown reasons shortly after taking off from the Iranian capital, victims of tragedy of steel 176 people. Washington suspects Tehran of destruction of the aircraft with two missiles and believes that this was done accidentally. Iran, in its turn, this version rejects. NATO, by contrast, admits that the American hunch is right. States has offered Ukraine assistance in the investigation of the crash.