the Specialists of Moscow the world’s first made and published the Atlas heavy, irreversible pathological changes in the organs of people who died of coronavirus. This was reported by the Metropolitan health Department. Guide allows a better understanding of what affects the health of the patient when the disease.
the Ministry said that in 100 percent of cases of deaths suspected COVID-19 in the capital carried out the autopsy with a detailed post-mortem analysis.
Desdra drew attention to the fact that April and early may were the peak of the epidemic in Moscow, which is reflected in total mortality. According to the Ministry, the mortality rate from coronavirus in the capital in April, is from 1.4 to 2.8 percent. These figures are lower than, for example, in new York (10 percent) and London (23%).
According oberstab on may 28, in Russia during the day, the number of cases of coronavirus increased by 8 371 people. The total number of infected — 379 051. In Moscow for the day revealed 2 054 people. Just all the time in the capital, died on 2 254 patients with coronavirus.